Episode Chapter 10 What We're Made Of

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Chapter Episode 10

What We're Made Of

"Now what . . . ? I can take you to the ship, but you might return to your animal form and destroy things," Goten reasoned with the little boy, who looked bewildered, but happy be with him . . . or I can leave you in the cave, but then someone or some creature might get you."
Taking him back to Massa's house was not even within reason . . . so it would have to be the cave.
Rubbing what was left of the repellent on the child, Goten set off for Massa's house. He was sure to be tortured, for his disappearance. To his surprise Massa wasn't there, but Lauren looked alarmed.
"We have to go!" Lauren yelled.
"Where are the two boys?"
I don't know, they were here a while ago."

"I'm here . . ."
Startled, the two looked around, just in time to see, Yelbo, flying towards Lauren with a kick. Goten couldn't get there in time . . .
"Whip, Whack!"
Easily dodging Laren stopped him with a punch to the stomach, and then a furious round house kick to the jaw that had the boy unconscious.
Goten's jaw dropped.
"H . . . I kind of watched your scuffle with the animals. I thought you had forgotten your repellent, but then I saw you were confident. I hurried back home. When everyone was gone, I would practice your ways of fighting."
"Oh . . . "
"So where did you learn to fight like that?"
I kind of learnt some things from my dad and big brother Gohan, but . . . it may not be enough, so can we leave before the big guy shows up?"
"Sure . . . there's just one more thing before I go."
In not much time she was back from their old cage, carrying something in her hands: she almost looked frightened.
With not much time to discuss things they were off through the very dense foliage.
"Goten, run faster!"
But it was too late . . .
As the two reached a clearing a shadow zipped past them, so fast and quiet, it was uncanny.
Looking forwards again Goten tried to stop, but he was unable to, and he went crashing into the waiting hand of . . . Blebut.
Lauren dropped her bag and tried to hit the big boy a roundhouse kick to the back of his neck, but he just grabbed her incoming foot like it was no threat at all.
Goten, now realising the predicament of how fast and fierce their opponent was, let loose the full force of his strength and tried to uppercut the guy . . , but failed, as Blebut, let go of the two, jumping backwards as he did, to dodge his fist.
Their was little time to waste, the dad was sure to hear the rumbling. "Keep running straight ahead, I'll catch you!" Goten yelled to the blonde girl.
Blebut wanted to catch her, but . . , he to couldn't pass up that opportunity and relaxed his stare on the small boy in front of him.
Goten took off his the weights, first his hands, then this feet, and then one across his waste that heed made recently. He was going to . . .
Blebut was quickly in front of him, fist flying. Goten dodged again and again, then jumped back.
Goten relax his muscles and started doing some stretches . . . after all, that was what he'd learnt from his dad . . , though he didn't know if it was in preparation for the blows to come, or to help with his attack, he never told him.
Bouncing from side to side on his toes . . . he was now ready.
Blebut was quickly in front of him, with fists flying even faster than the first. Goten dodged as quickly as he could, out of fear.
But as the battle went on his heart beginning to pound solidly within his chest, he could see that the big bully was tiring, and fast.
A flying fist approached Goten but it looked like it was moving slowly, ever so slowly, drifting by.
"Whump!" Goten landed one onto Blebut's stomach, which sent him toppling back. It was obvious, with no one to fight back, Blebut had not advanced much since the young saiyan had arrived. An never haven been beaten, the young bully couldn't take a hit . . .
"Huhhhh!" Goten sighed, "the product of a very sheltered life."
"Whackkk!" And with one more punch, Blebut was out cold.

Lauren was almost to the river, she decided to stop and listen.
"Brackks!" "Cracks!" "Cracks!"
Something was coming through the trees with alarming speed.
Out flew Goten.
He grabbed her by the hand and sped off like crazy in the direction of the cave.
There was a very loud yell somewhere in the distance, and that was enough to let them know, that the giant was coming to find them and if he did,  there may be an opening the next day for living slaves.
Reaching the cave, the little dragon was there to meet him.
"What is that?" Lauren jumped back. "It's . . . it's a dragon's welp isn't it?"
"What a time to return to that form," Goten cried out to the little beast.

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