Preview Season Two

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Chapter Episode 25

"There he is! There he is!"

"Long time no see, Pain."
"Hi Ariochi. What's up?"
"Uh . . . I dont know how to tell you this but . . . seeing you with those . . . scales seems very familiar. Like . . , like I have seen them before . . ."
"You have?" the tanned looking boy leaned forwards in excitement. "Where?"
"I do not seem to recall. Sometimes I remember things from long ago in the past."
"But you do not look that old." Cheleru chipped in, spinning her spanner around her finger, always working or improving some gadget or the other. " . . . you seem stronger . . . takes a good licking, and keeps on ticking."
Pain grinned back at his beautiful ship mate.
" . . ." Ariochi just steered off into space, as the Namekian teen steered at him, waiting for his answer.
"Its complicated . . . Okay," Ariochi informed' " . . . I know . . . Hold my hand. You too Chalorie."
The others obeyed willingly.
"Now close your eyes, and relax a bit." The boy guided.
Suddenly the three burst into a another realm. Huge dragons of all sorts. Big, little, long, short, fat, thin.
"So many colours", Cheleru gasped in awe. But neither of the boys responded.
The place was some sort of volcanic planet, and they were under ground, in some . . . cave of some sort.
"Squawk, squawk . . !"
A young dragon ran to his mom. She looked a lot like Ariochi's mom, only with more blue.
All of the dragons, peeped out of holes in the roof, out to the open air of the night sky.
They were . . , they appeared to be hiding . . . from something . . . or from someone.
Ariochi longed for the comfort of his mother. She had died protecting him when he was but a new born welp.
Suddenly, the mother dragon looked around, straight at Ariochi, like she could see him. Then she looked away at something else on a mound to the right of them.
The three turned to see what she was looking at . . . It . . . it was another Namekian . . . But how . . .
The mother riled up, steam oozing from her nostrils, ready for a fight.
The stranger did not appear very afraid, and instead dashed forwards.
The huge dragon sent out a blast of fire, and the Namekian disappeared . . . Appearing beside her infant he grabbed the child, and closing his eyes, fought to concentrate.
The angry mother opened her huge mouth revealing those seven and eight foot long teeth. Coming down with tremendous speed she bit down.
But her teeth had nothing, as the boy and the little baby had well vanished.
The enraged mother swung about her head in fury. Then turning she looked at the three. Ariochi smiled, but the enraged mother spewed out heat so hot that the rocks caught fire as the huge pillar of flame came soaring at them.
Just as suddenly . . , they were back.
"What was that?!" Cheleru yelled out, holding her chest and sweating extremely with fright.
"I, I do not know."
" . . . Did you see him Pain?" Flawadius' deep voice growled.
" . . . Yes sir . . . he, he was there . . . again."
"It wasn't real, Cheleru." Flawadius relayed attempting to assay her fears. "You were all here the whole time."
"W, what?! . . . but, but that felt so real . . . like, like we really were there."
Little Ariochi dropped down in a slump on the floor. 'It, it was his mother . . . he was more sure of it . . . but, but why was she blue?'
" . . . hmmm."
"It keeps replaying the same as it always does."
"What do you mean, and what's going on?!" Lauren chipped in.
Pain's nose started to bleed, as he tried to steady himself from falling.

Hundreds of space light years away, A quarry where little light-green people toiled breaking rocks.
Three Cheritans stood high above, observing the toiling workers below. Whips or clubs in hand, they patiently waited for the rewards of their slaves tragic endeavours . . . the valuable prime ore.
Bulging muscles, it was very obvious that the strain of this work was above their normal physical capacity, as each of the hopeless slaves' muscles had swelled to out-buldge their bodies.
They all were of the same species . . . all except two.
Young Goten struggled desperately to lift the really heavy sledge hammer.
Wavering a bit he brought it down on a rock.
The rock did not break.
"Wihpich". The sting of a patrolers whip almost sent him into immediate unconsciousness.
Bare back, and sweating like a tired mule under the daunting sun. Little Goten fought off the pain of the stinging lash, as he tried to raise the heavy hammer again.

"There he is! There he is!"
" . . . there who is . . ?"
"It's Goten, he's on the screen!"

End of Season Two's preview

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