Chapter Episode 16 No Pain . . . No Gain

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Chapter Episode 16

No Pain . . . No Gain

"Hngh . . !" Excruciating pain flooded his mind, as the little boy tried desperately to breathe. Each breath was followed by so much pain, he thought he would pass out . . . but he kept breathing . . . he kept fighting. Why should he give in, why should he die so young. 'H-how did dad stay alive . . .'
He didn't feel the soft green hands rest on him, but he did feel the cool blue, relaxing, light that filled his body. If felt, it felt like he was laying in cool blue water. The pain that he'd felt slowly resided, but his muscles felt stiffer, and stiffer, bulging till they felt uncomfortable, yet he also felt huge surges if strength, vitality, and power growing tremendously, till it was going to his head, making him feel like he welcome the meanest of foes. Obviously he wasn't that strong and so he forced himself back to a humble state.
No wonder Vegeta and dad were so quick to fight foes so above their league, once they had survived, the more brutal the battle, the more rewarding the power.
Holding up, he looked around, there were few Namekians here in the underground dig out, but they were more powerful than the ones he'd seen in the battle.
"Hold on Goten." Lauren leaned over him, her pleasant face coming into view. "You'll be okay."
Now feeling cool healing power going into his stomach, then spreading all over him, the boy looked down at the little green hands on his stomach. They belonged to a little Namek girl.
"All done now." She sang sweetly to Goten.
"Sarah, get over here, we need your abilities." A huge Namekian, as big as Piccolo, stood over another fallen comrade. He was bleeding green blood profusely.
"Its okay, you're safe." Lauren's look was one of relief.
"Huhhh!" Remembering what had happened, he was saddened that he hadn't done much more.
"It okay. It happened so fast, that I don't think anyone here saw it coming."
"Where's everyone else?" Goten asked looking around. Still on the battle field I see."
"N-no Goten, 'most everyone was killed on our side, including women and children."
Shock flood his soul. "You mean all of the Namekians were nearly wiped out!"
But it was too late, as many of the green aliens looked at him saddened. This loss was great, too great for him to imagine.
"Once you hit the ground I ran for you. The big guy over there, he thought your . . . strength might be of help, and he fought till we reached your unconscious body.
Then he fought on whilst I retreated with you. If not for his help I don't know if you would have been saved."
"Nnn," Goten nodded in agreement. . . . "Where's Ariochi?"
At that tears streamed down her youthful face, " . . . He . . he's still fighting . . ."
At that Goten jumped up. Though he could transform into a huge dragon through his mother's essence, Ariochi was just a newborn whelp.
"No . . !" the Namekian screamed, "not just yet; We need a plan."
"Do you have one?"
"Yes . . ." Just then, the once dying Namekian warrior, now healed, walked to Sarah, and started to glow.
". . . no not her, we need her rare ability to heal. Choose another female from outside."
"They are still alive?"
"My name is Flawadius," the big revealed, his two antenna like flesh twitching slightly, on this forehead. "Yes . . . your dragon has defended them well."
Recognizing they were using some type of fusion technique to grow stronger, Goten opted to leave them to it, though he didn't quite understand why they wanted to fuse men with the women, instead of fusing warriors, for greater strength.
"I will try to stall them . ."
"O', okay . . , but be careful. We'll be right behind you. . . you can be the distraction . . ." He didn't know if the boy heard him, as Goten ran down the caves tunnel and then busted out into the night sky, flying faster than he had ever before.
Smoking coals, and huge potholes littered the planets surface, with newly made waterfalls strewn about as water filled the gaps.
Ariochi was now dodging the blasts that had hit Goten. But to do so he had to go up high, forced to leave the remaining Namekian women and children, to fend of hordes of climbing Mascari.
"Burup . . . . Brubdge!!"
Hit again, smoke erupting on impact. Another of the deadly missiles found its target . . . Goten.
He was trying to take in the battle, and figure out what to do next, when e powerful blast caught him off guard.
"Psummn" Smoke still billowing from that spot, a later flash of light exited the smoking pile in the air, and found its target . . . right through the same Crew that hit him. "Kaboom!!"
Slightly bruised by that attack, it was time to get down to business.
Flying in front of the other mechanical crab-like 'Crew'. Goten garnered their attention.
"Putumnn!" Sending in a few ki blast, the others moved their attention towards the flying boy.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" "Eeeeeeeeek . . !!!
Screams erupted from the sheltering Namekian people on the mount, as the first wave of Mascari came over the rim, to find their next victims huddled in the middle of the huge mount.
"Woosh . . ." about to advance and shoot, the huge dragon came soaring up above the brown terrors . . .
"Bruadgessssss!" Fire streamed vehemently down from the huge creature. The First wave of Mascari burned like wood, without a single word, and was very quickly, ash.
Circling the huge mountain with fire, the Namekians watched their winged saviour, work his way down the sides of the mount. They did not have to look, they had a good idea, what was happening to the advancing threats.

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