Chapter 21 Salvation for the Neglected

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Chapter 21

Salvation for the Neglected

After a week of making ready we were flying speedily through space. My own ship from earth was to meet us at any completely safe planet we may have landed on.
The sights were sometimes tremendously beautiful; the moons, shining star clouds, and planets of all sizes - yet almost all of them were spherical in shape.
"That one's Glebe. Its one of the biggest planets." Lauren was the personal guide for me and Ariochi. Everyone else seemed undaunted, as they most likely either had visited the plant or was held prisoner there. "We won't go there now. It is a cess pool of criminals, bad guys, Cheritans, and slaves."
Goten wanted to go there to try and free the slaves, remembering how terrible and scary it was for him, but everyone was steadfast; Like any hope of freeing them was a passing fancy.
"I am sorry my friends." He muttered softly at the planet, as he watched the planet sail slowly by.
Seeing the sadness in Goten's eyes, she knew he really wanted to help, as did her, as did everyone on board. "You know, little children are taken from their homes, their families, and sold to work under the vilest of the vile? Some of them working day and night with little rest, being young, scared, alone . . ."
Lightening suddenly shot across the room, small objects started to rise. Looking from where the energy was coming - Goten stood silent, aglow with orange-gold light. Not like before. . . nothing like before . . ." The thought of little children suffering so horrible, under such terrible conditions.
"Lauren! Stop it!" Flawadius yelled. She was obviously working him up, and deliberately so, as her own past tormented her.
Chalorie approached the distraught girl and gently rested her hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, what ever happened . . . What ever they did . . . to you . . . they will answer for those sins . . . one day . . . they will."
Tears streamed down the broken girl's cheeks, and she fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. "Y you don't understand . . . I saw little children whipped till they went unconscious . . . Oh the tears . . . the tears of the little ones, dragged, crying for their parents . . .!"
"That's it. Goten said, head bowed, eyes fiery green. "We are going!"
"I know how you feel . . ." Flawadius interceded. "But, they can't be beaten, not by you . . , and neither by us . . . even if we all joined forces . . ."
". . . Then I'll do it alone . . . even if I died trying . . . My family will understand."
It was very clear no one wanted to die, especially if only to dent the hierarchy's presumptuous activities. . . And it was also clear there was going to be war because of all of this mistreatment.
"Okay!" The big green Namekian announced. "If we are going to do this, we are going to do this my way!"
" . . . Goten and I will be dropped onto that world to 'see to the activities', how we may help, if at all."
Everyone could see this was against his better judgement. . . but sometimes love, mercy, and payback, could be a whole lot more convincing against atrocities.
"Pain I leave you to be dropped of at Eva. You will need some help, just in case we become 'trapped' and we become 'unrescuable'. Take some of your Namek brothers . . . and if . . ." Taking one look at young Goten he changed his words, " . . . when the time comes, you give them hell."
'But that's where those crabs that make Crew live. That's . . .' Chalorie held that thought. It was evident from their strict demeanor that they were aware of the harrowing dangers that they were going to have to fight, or were they?'
"Chalorie and Lauren shall stay on board. . . Chalorie, I will need to see you on a matter of grave importance."
"Ariochi . . .?"
"Yes sir."
The little dark boy answered, stepping meekly forward..
"Can you . . . have you ever tried to breathe in space?"
"I c . . can try."
Well if you see my signal, leave the ship and come to my aid. If you see Pain's signal then you go to help him."
" . . . But what if he sees both . . .?" Goten finally spoke.
" . . . Go save Pain and his team."
It was very difficult to blame Goten, and he didn't seem to want them in danger, but he was obviously unaware of the importance of one individual over another.
Helping the slaves was their mission, and if none of them made it out alive, the entire galaxy could be under mutiny, forever.

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