Episode Chapter 11 Hope!!

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Chapter Episode 11


The dragon welp followed Goten closely, looking almost pleased, as the boy examined the heavy drag marks, leading into the cave. There was pieces of some strange animal.
"So that's what you eat for food besides crystals."
"The three made there way down through the dense forest. Massa was clearly to far away, to find them in the dense forestry.
The most familiar sign on the side of the big space craft came in to view.
Loading up the ship, Goten came upon problem . . . overhanging tree branches.
Getting out the axe, Goten stood concentrating.
Soon the air around him moved and he started to hover, wobbling as he went.
To his surprise the little dragon came up flapping frantically as it did.
"I know, Everything I can do, you can do it better, right." Goten taunted,
Taking one swing of his axe he cut off a huge limb, but was unable to stop it from hitting the top of the space craft.
Hovering slowly back down, he tried to ponder 'what next?'
Lauren stood breathless. "How did you do that?"
Goten smiled, "Just by forcing your outward energy downwards, will give you the lift."
Lauren made several attempts, but Goten tried to think of a way to clear the trees from the ship.
Going over to the welp, Goten tried to pat his head, but instantly the little fellow transformed back into the little naked boy.
Lauren's face went flush, and she ran inside the ship.
Goten held his head with his hand and sighed. "I was hoping to convince you to fly up above the trees and be our look out.
The little dragon/boy looked back at him puzzled.
Lauren returned from the ship with a white raggedy pants, and a torn red cloth that she hope would be his shirt.
The little welp/boy allowed her to put them on him, all the while focussing on what Goten thought.
"Okay, okay, now move about . . , now turn around," she guided the dragon boy.
"Now what's name shall we give you? Or do you have a name already."
The fabric caused him to sneeze.
"Bless you," she replied . . . "That's it . . ."
"You're going to call him 'bless you'?" Goten chimed almost breaking out in laughter.
"No, we'll call him 'Ariochi'. His name shall mean, 'a blessing'."
The clothed boy seemed well please. Although looking human, his skin was brown like the negros on earth, but more thick, like flexible steel.
"Then 'Ariochi' it is."
Goten looked up at the tree boughs, and then at the ship. He wasn't a master lumberjack, but he had to fell these tree, as quickly, and as safely as possible.
"Whack!! "Whack!!" "Crack k k shh!"
The first tree fell straight towards the ship.
Goten jumped into the air and tried to cut the tree mid way, but the top half was still falling towards the ship.
Suddenly Ariochi was up in the air with speed, transformed once again, this time into a little, green, burly dragon, smashing himself into the top half, knocking it a good ways off.
The little guy came fluttering down, his wings now tiny in comparison to his burly body, unlike before.
"Thank you Ariochi," Lauren came and hugged him warmly, but it seemed annoyed.
"So you can transform into two types of dragon, wow that's great." Gohan danced gleefully.
And the little dragon danced as well, soon they were playing and dancing joyously.
"Okay guys, we still have to clear the area . . . we don't have all day, you know."
Trees fell or went flying as the young saiyan and the young dragon worked together.
In a moment the job was done, and the three were safely in the ship.
"So . . . you said you had crash landed here, are you sure it will work?" And what caused you to crash land anyway?"
"I will try to explain later, but first let's see if we can just get this thin into space."
A few moments later . . .
" . . . bucckkl!"
The ship rose into the air.
"Yeah!!" The two celebrated, triumphantly. Ariochi, now in his 'almost human' state sat watching the two.
As the ground started to melt away, and the other landscape came into view.
"Wait . . ., I forgot something.
Going over to the joystick controls, the ship was guided over to where Ariochi's mother had died.
Both boys stood gazing down, as if they were drawn to something down there.
Lauren came to, "What's going on?"
"We . . . we have to go get it"
"Get what?" the little girl pondered.
"That crystal emerald."
"Can you see it?"
"No . . ."
"Then how do you know that its still down there?"
There was no reply.
"Is it that important?"
Goten looked over at Ariochi,. He stood brooding, like someone who'd lost a loved one.
"Yes . . ."

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