Chapter Episode 4 The Slave Master's Sons (Lauren)

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Chapter Episode 4

The Slave master's Sons

The next morning Goten awoke inside of the sleepcapsule.
He didn't remember how he'd gotten there, but he was safe . . ., and upon exiting, there lay the biggest cat, dead, and in the middle of the room.
Pretty soon the scent of cat meat soup filled the air, and Goten felt refreshed at having filled his stomach with the delicious stew.
He was grateful. In this dense forest he was no longer at the bottom of the food chain, and for him some serious changes had to be made.
Finding clean water was now a top priority, and then fixing the ships door, or at least rehanging it in place. Far too many animals may be wandering around this dense undergrowth, which was sure to increase if he kept cooking meat.
Setting out with his water can, not wanting to use up too much resources, the boy took a stroll to look for water.
The landscape showed green leaves, brown booths and some stubble.
The big cat that he'd eaten had been beaten. . . beaten to a pulp, by someone . . ., but there was no traces of anyone else on the ship . . . ., and why had he blacked out? 'Maybe it was fatigue'.
The dangerous animal had made a good meal that morning, and the rest of him was stuffed into a fridge.
All that was needed was a drink of fresh cool water.
Seeing some creatures flying over head, squeaking as they went gave him an idea. If they were like the birds on earth they would be either heading to or from water, squeaking like that. But if they weren't, then those animals would make for a change in diet.


Goten ducked into some underbrush at the sound of a young female in pain.
"Agggn . . ,"
Goten sensed a weak but formidable force approaching . . . it was fast, but growing weaker by the second.
. . . a young blonde girl came into view . . . battered . . . bruised . . . broken and bleeding, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Was this the strong power-force he'd felt? But . . . all he could see in her eyes, was terror, share fright . . . but . . . but she was way stronger than he was, even at what looked like a year younger than him.
'But who . . .'
Something flashed by.
Relaxing himself Goten hoped to suppress his power output to that of his natural surroundings, which was way too easy with all of the very powerful creatures in the woods.
The little girl scrambled to her feet, and tried to run.
Suddenly a young lad of about fourteen appeared. Slightly green, he looked between a lizard and a fox but with no tail, standing straight up like the humans.
The boy punched the girl across the mouth. She didn't move with the impact from the blow, but blood ran down from her mouth and nose.
A voice called from high above the trees.
"Leave her to me."
Another young lad of about the same age and make dropped to the forest floor with ease.
"But I caught her first, Blebut" Yelbo replied pointing to the bleeding girl.
"Only because I let you," the slightly more tougher looking youth replied.
Goren's heart was beating furiously, was it the wickedness of those bullies? . . . or, was it because he was helpless? . . . no, something inside of him like heat had his blood boiling. A joy, a joy like he had never known.
"I kne . . . " Yelbo started.
Goten stepped from beneath the bushy camouflaged into the open.
"Why don't you just leave her alone."
"What . . . what? But who are you? Yelbo quibbled.
"That's none of your concern. What is . . ? Its that you two need to get out of here . . , and I mean . . .now."
Blood boiling, foes stunned, he was going to do it.
Goten powered up as much as he could. He was going the full distance . . . he was going . . . supersayin!
"Bah hah hah . . . haha haha haha!"
Nothing seemed to be happening . . . his power shot up a bit. But not like how it would back on earth. 'It is the planet, Often surmised, for some reason it was drawing his sayan power to the planets core . . ., why then did nothing else seem affected. Even just to power up the gravity around him, would seem to increase.
No wonder he didn't sense the two boys, their make up was natural latent ability. They weren't using any power, it was there natural strength . . . yet he can feel the girls power. She looked human . . . but why would humans be way out here?'


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