Episode Chapter 24 When the Going Gets Tough (Armoured Pain)

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Episode Chapter 24
When the Going Gets Tough

"What's going on? And why did you leave Goten."
"I don't know if we would have gotten away if we hadn't." Claudius informed.
"But he was . . ." Lauren tried to reason.
"Listen! We are playing for keeps . . . Its life or death . . ." Flaudius knew that the little Saiyan's spirit remained unbroken by the realities that were now surrounding him. Gotten appeared to come from a place where the good guys won . . .
" . . ."
"The kid has made up his mind . . . He said he was going to let these bad guys know, that he was going to protect those who are the innocent, and the weak. . . . I don't know if it is the right path that he took . . . but I do know, that the kid has his convictions, and he was going to see them through. And there is nothing you . . . or I, could do about it . . . We will just hope for the best."
" . . . but how would we know if he had succeeded or not?""
"Well, I spotted an 'Animous surveillance camera' back on the planet, but not too far from where Goten and I stood.. I don't know if Chalorie could tune into its frequency . . . then maybe, we might be able to see something, before our ship goes out of range."
"Consider it done." Chalorie replied, standing nearby. Within seconds, the young blonde had the onboard computer tuned into the device.
Everyone gathered to see what was taking place on the planet Glebe . . .
, . . All that could be seen so far . . . was dust.
"I think the camera must be broken . . "
"No, Lauren . . . it isn't broken. Its receptors and vertebrae lines are still very much intact."
"So why is it so grainy. We can barely see anything."
". . . I . . . I wonder . . ."
Suddenly the particles flashed by even faster, and then, the beautiful open area of desert lands could be seen.
"It was just a wave of dust, which the wind blew away . . ." Chalorie finished.
Though the desert lands could be seen, not a single person nor animal could be seen.
Chalorie placed the viewing onto the huge transparent front glass.
". . . And I did you one better," she informed them, and then camera attached to the shop moved around as she controlled it.
But as the ship approached planet Eva the magnetic force of the planet's gravitational pull created static on the screen, and then it went blank.

Entering the atmosphere of planet Eva, it was surprisingly dusty, even for such a planet.
Suddenly, something shot out of a huge dust cloud. Young boy Ariochi was the first to spot what it was and he shouted, "Open the hatch!"
Within seconds the door opened and the little lad shot out through the opening.
Flawadius ran to the door. What ever it was slammed into Ariochi and the two came hurling towards the ship way too fast.
The Namek folded his hands together, powered up, and then extended both hands to create a soft shield. "I've never done this before, but it has to work! It just has tooooo!"
"Whamm!!" The two came flying through the entrance, slamming directly into Flawadius and his soft shield, sending the three hurling towards the ships roof. Straining Flawadius forced the two objects and himself to a complete stop, just inches away from the craft's roof.
Floating slowly down to the floor, the big man had Ariochi in one hand, and . . . a badly bruised Pain in the other.
"We're going back into outer space, and quickly!"
The command reached Lauren at the ship's controls, and everyone barely had time to buckle in before the door closed, and they shot into space.
Moments later, as they were safely flying through space, everyone unbuckled and came to surround Pain. He was severely bruised and battered, but for a Namek, this was no problem . . . just as long as he was alive.
"What, what happened!?" Flawadius yelled, "and where is the rest of your men."
Those men were just crew members who had come along mainly to help out on the deck, and though experienced fighters, they were only there to be the original repair crew, should anything go wrong with the ship.
However, since Chalorie had taken over, pretty much everything dealing with the ships mechanics were done by her alone . . , so there wasn't much for them to do . . . but sending them out as assists may have very well caused their peril.
". . . . . ."

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