Chapter Episode 9 Arioshi (Ariochi - Human Form)

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Chapter Episode 9


"Arroooghhh!!" "Booosshh!" . . . "Arroooghhh!!" "Booosshh!"

The sound of the beast splashing as it continued to devour the rest of its free meals . . . brought the still stunned, boy back to terrible reality.
'He had to do something, before it devoured all of those alien people.'
Feeling the weight and mass of a sturdy object in his hands, Got ten looked down to see a crystal shard that was left in his hand, by the dragon.
It was weird, Goten thought as he hurried back to the nearby lake.
One survivor; That was what remained of all those, that the dragon and the river's beast, didn't get to consume, one way or another.
Injured, the alien tried to hobble away. It was clearly hurt.
Suddenly out of the trees Massa's huge green frame could be seen. The alien seemed in afraid and attempted to approach him.
"Hughhh!" . . . "smash!." The giants hurled body came smashing down on the small mauve frame.
Goten was quick to the nearest bush, heart pounding. Rolling down through the trees he was up and away as fast as his feet could carry him. As he got some distance from the lake, he paused to catch his breath and to listen, hoping not to hear the smashing of trees if Massa was after him.
"Whir . . . whir . . . whir . . ."
What was that small sound?
And where was it coming from?
Trying to track where the sound was coming from he looked down.
The glass shard had been glowing . . . but why?
Was someone calling it?
There was not much he could do at this point. He had to get Launie back to the ship . . . and take off before Massa had enough time to possibly stumble after it.
Attempting to circle his way back to the house . . . only caused the crystal to 'whir' louder, and more frequently.
But why . . ?
There was nothing in sight but the normal man eating animals, forestry, and . . . a cave.
" . . . a cave."
. . . There was no way to tell what was in there, maybe sleeping monsters, maybe hidden treasure . . . but one thing for sure . . . what ever the case . . . the dragon lady's crystal was going more berserk as he got closer to it.
Heart pounding, the little fellow eyed around the entrance of the cave to peek inside . . . nothing.
Just at that moment two green eyes opened suddenly in the dark place.
"Squeak . . . squeak!"
And out waddled a little stubbly dragon.
"How are you little fellow," the young saying called softly, attempting to quiet the beast . . . stepping back.
"Squeak . . . squeak!" The little fellow sounded back, continuing towards him.
Goten continued backwards, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace.
The little dragon continued forwards, this time its focus was the crystal in the boy's hand.
As he Lowered the crystal, the dragon came running forwards, mouth open. Often just held it out and hoping the animal wouldn't take his hand with it.
Instead the animal placed his beak around the crystal, and and as it sucked the crystal began to liquify in its mouth and down its throat.
"Squeak . . . squeak!" It was looking for more, . . . but there was no more.
Suddenly, the strange animal's body started glowing, more and more brightly, and before you could know how it transformed into a little naked boy.

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