Hatred & Fear

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*^^^^Video above is what Remus's song reminds me of^^^^*
@warriorcats107 has tempted me to write this.

If there was any side that Deciet hated, it was Remus, Thomas's dark creativity. He was curled up in a sun spot because someone broke the AC, it was stuck on freezing cold.

"I need a snake in my ass!" He heard the cackle before the insane side popped up. "Deciet, can you be my snake?"

Deceit started running away from the insane side.

"Get away from me you kinky freak!"

Now, Deceit knew that the dark creativity was important to have, otherwise Deceit would have chained him up and locked him away a long time ago.

"Snek! Come here! I want to warm you up!"

Remus grabbed Deceit's arm and Deceit struck with his fangs. Then he bolted to the one room that he is always safe in when it comes to Remus. Logan's room.

Remus doesn't affect Logan the same way as he does the others.

Logan didn't react as Deceit ran into his room. He hid in the greenhouse that Logan had in his room.

"Glasses, have you seen the snake with no gag reflex? I want to test out how big can he swallow."

"Remus, your need to be extreme almost beats Roman."

"So I need to be more extreme."

"No." Logan sighed before fixing his glasses. "Just because you are fully here now does not mean you can bully Deceit. Go turn off the AC before you accidently knock him out."

Remus walked out with a pout while nibbing on his deodorant. Logan turned to inform Deceit and found him asleep in his mini green house.

"At least he doesn't snore."

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