Pissed Off Loves

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Patton, Logan, Emile, and Crys(@In_Spaaace's OC) were glaring at the five sitting sides. The ones that were in trouble were frozen in fear.

"I'm sorry Star." Virgil said as he was looking at the ground.

Colored paint was dripping from the sitting sides. They got in trouble by having a huge paintball war in the living room.

"Cloud, words have no meaning if you don't listen." Logan said before closing his book.

"War games are not supposed to be messed with." Crys said while looking at Remus. "You cheated and put yourself into a bigger mess."

Mixed with the paint mess, there was chunks of Remus's tentacles all over the wall. He was using his tentacles to hold more guns but the paint destroyed them.

"All of you are going to scrub this place clean to perfection." Patton said while actually looking mad at Roman. "Thomas is making a video tomorrow so you have that as your time limit."

"No resting until it is completely clean." Emile said before tapping both Deceit and Remy on the head with his clipboard. "That also means no coffee or eggs."

**Time Skip**

"We really fucked up!" Remy shouted as he was washing the couch.

"Why am I cleaning all of the walls?" Remus asked as he was hanging upside down.

"No one else is willing to touch your tentacle guts." Virgil said.

Remus continued to clean the walls, Virgil was using shadows to stick to the ceiling to scrub the paint.

After they finished, they collapsed on the clean ground. Then the angry dates came in and picked them up.

"I think they learned their lesson." Emile said with one in his arms and the other on his back.

"I give it a month." Logan said.

"A month? I give Remus two days!" Crys said with Remus wrapped around him.

"I'm sure that Roman can behave for a whole year!" Patton said and the sides gave him a disbelieving look.

"A week." The rest said together.

In the end, most of them was right. The good behavior lasted one week. Remus lasted two days.

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