Sweet Smelling Revenge

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Thomas was looking for the two 'dark sides' and found Deceit sitting on a lumpy part of the couch. Around him, the room smelled of flowers and honey.

"Have you seen Remus?"

"No." Loud muffled crying. "He is not in this room."

Deceit was eating eggs and beans. The sweet smell would get stronger after Deceit ate a few bites. Logan walked into the room.

"I can tell from the smell that the pill worked."

"What pill and what is that smell?" Thomas was reaching the point of concern and panic.

"Logan, don't explain to him. You make it harder to understand."

"Do you remember that show Deceit recorded?"

"Yeah, Naga of the Seven Seas. I have never seen anyone as excited as him to watch a show. Compared to me and Stranger Things, he makes me normal."

"Remus watched every episode, deleted the recordings, and spoiled every character death."

"That is horrible! Bad Remus." There was loud muffled laughter echoing the room. "Where is Remus?"

"I gave Deceit a pill to make his farts smell as sweet as they are supposed to stink." He wrote down some notes before continuing. " So he has been eating food that increase gas and he has been sitting on Remus the whole time."

There was the muffled crying again and Deceit was wiggling on the couch.

"Deceit! Get off of Remus!"

Deceit was grumbling as he got off the couch.

"That is unnatural! Farts are supposed to smell like death! Not sunshine and rainbows!"

He sunk out of the room and Deceit had a smirk on his face as Thomas tried to give a 'Patton' look to him. Which accidentlly summoned Patton.

"What happened to my kiddo?" They explained and Patton had an interesting look on his face. "De, no more revenge for you. I'm going to talk to Remus about tormenting you."

He sinked out and Deceit had a fanged smile on his face. The room smelled of roses again.

"I can never smell a real rose ever again."

Thomas said before walking out of the room.

"Sinking out is so much more dramatic!"

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