Chapter One

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Hi my Name is Skylynn Brielle Brooks, I'm 19 years old, I love Music, Photography, and boys with tattoos... So let me tell you a little bit more about me, Well I've been boxing since I was 14 for the fact of being bullied while I was younger.. I stand up for myself nowadays! Brown Hair/Brown Eyes, I'm very sarcastic, I can be a total bitch when I want too, I do have a few tattoos nothing too drastic, Yes only child which gets lonely sometimes but its okay.., Best Friend MaryJean she's very outgoing but always knows how to stand up for herself!, and here's story of me falling for someone I never thought would ever happen.....


Dammnit work! Why the hell did I agree to working in the mornings?! Oh yeah I work at this Photography buisness downtown and yes I know you're probably wondering why don't you go to Uni.. well I do I go in the afternoons and work in the mornings.. And at the dance studio at night and on weekends yes I'm very busy 19 year old. So I get up take a shower not bothering to wash my hair since I did that last night. I get out grab my clothes a white jumper, jean shorts, a pair of short ankle boots. As I put my makeup on which consits of light foundation, a layer of powder, tan brown eyeshadow, and little mascare.

So as I head out towards P.O.A. (Photography of Arts) (A/N not for sure if that exists)

Thinking Out Loud-Ed Sheeran comes on and I start pelting the lyrics out getting a few stares from others passing by but Eh.. who cares as I park and walk towards my office my co-worker Jason stops and talks..

"Hey Sky!" Jason says wow isn't he just a happy camper today..

"Hello Jason whats up?' I said

"Seeing how you were doing haven't heard from you since Friday." he says

"Oh, I'm good very busy at the dance studio and Uni!" i say

"That's good.. Oh! your dad called and asked for you" he says a little nervous?

See me and my dad we do get along great its just what he does for a living... my dad is in one of the biggest gangs here in London and he doesn't want me around cause what happened last time.. But I can take care of myself I'm a big girl! And he only calls when its an emergency so?!

"Oh yea what did he say?" I say

"He asked if can come and see you today but I told him you would call him later and let him know." he says

"Okay Thanks Jason! Well, I gotta go so I'll talk to you later! Bye." I say walking into my office

"Bye" he says walking off

So what possibly could my father want now? Well guess I will be finding out sooner than I think.

~Later that day~

After work and classes I meet up with MaryJean at the dance studio.

"Hey MJay!" I say

"Hi Sky." she says

'Ready to get started with class?" I ask

"Yes! I've been waiting for you!' she says

"Sorry! Okay girls get in your positions!' I say towards the group of girls

I walk over and start ~Stars Dance~ for their routine and watch each step carefully and to my suprise they hit each step, each note, each position very professional like. They have been working really hard for the upcoming competition.

"Okay girls that was really good your improving very quickly! I can't wait till competition you guys are gonna blow the judges away!" I say

"So Sky, you seemed a little weird earlier you okay?" MJayy says

"Yea its just my dad wants to talk to me about something and I dont know what he could possibly want." I say

'Oh. Well I'm not gonna be home tonight mum wants me to help around her house since she's moving back to the States." she says

"Okay well tell her I'm gonna miss her and to call whenever!" I say

"I will" she says as she walks away to get the girls ready for their second routine

~After practice at home~

Now I'm at home alone and theres nothing to do. *CREEK* what the hell was that?! *CREEK* okay well thats defintiley not the wind! So I grab my small handgun (yes I have a gun hello daddy's in a gang! Ha! daddy's girl!) and I walk around the house and see my back door creeked open! Oh SHIT! I thought! then I hear mumbled voices

"SHH! We can't let her hear us" a kinda familiar voice says

"Why are we doing this again?" a deep Irish voice says

"Just making sure she's taking care of herself." the other voice says

Okay what the actual fuck is going on?! I walk out to where the voices were coming from when I get there, there's 6 figures standing there just like minding their own damn buisness!! When I walk around the corner I seriously can't believe what I see I mean c'mon why didn't think of that!!

"Dad?" I say as they all turn around....

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