Chapter Five

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*Harry POV*

"Oh nothing just wanted to well umm see your bike and umm Sky.... Would you like to go on a d-date with me.... Only if you want you don't have to I mean I know we met last night but I really like you I know weird...But so umm yea...Will you go out with me Skylynn?.." I ask nervously

We stand there awhile and she hasn't said anything.. Great Harry you just screwed everything up. Dammnit why did I havee to ask her on a date. I mean why would she go with a guys like me? I mean she's beautiful, smart, sarcastic, funny, and she's just so damn gorgeous!! She still hasn't said anything oh God...

"You know what forget it. Act like I didn't say anything. Just don't worry abo-" She cuts me off by kissing my cheek

"Harry of course I'll go out with you!" She says smiling

"Really?!" I asks

"Yes! Harry! Matter of fact I would love to go with you!" she says wrapping arms around my neck pecking my cheek Okay now I know my cheeks are real red.. I can't believe she said Yes! to a guy like me. with tattoos, doesn't go to Uni, doesn't have anything going for me in life. But she said yes to me! The girl I like who I have a huge Crush on.. This girl is the most beautiful girl I ever met and I'm lucky for her to say Yes.. We satnd there for awhile til' someone coughs awkwardly behind us..

"Um guys are you coming in so we ca train?" Danny says awkwardly

"Uh yea we're coming Danny." Sky says now her cheeks are flaming red

When we walk in everybodies eyes are on us. I see the girl are giggling and the boys wiggling their eyebrows. And Sky's dad is looking at us confused and curiously.. Oh Shit! I thought as he walked up to us..

"So what happened outside?" He asks

"Well you see sir I asked your daughter out on a date and she said yes..Bt before we go any further I wanted to ask for your permission first." I say calmly

"Yea dad he just asked me out on a date and I really like him so.. Please daddy.." she says giving him puppy dog eyes

"Okay. Yea you can go on this date.." he says

While I stand there frozen c=not believing he said yes Sky runs over and hugs him saying thank you and how much she loves him.. Then he walks over to me and says..

"You can take my daughter out on this date! But if you hurt her in anyway I will Find You and I will Kill You!" He says sternly

I stand there frozen knowing how he is if you hurt anyone he cares about or loves your in deep shit...I swear I can tell my face went pale and I'm shaking until he speaks up..

"Son I'm just joking! But if you do hurt her you bettter bet your ass I'll make that pretty little face of yours not so pretty anymore!" he says

"Thank you Sir! I don't plan on hurting her ever! I will protect her with my life!" I say with confidents

"Good!' He says walking away

"Okay so who wants to be my sparing patner?" Sky asks I noticed James, Elliot, Danny, MaryJean, and Louis? backing up

"Oh c'mon guys I'm not that bad.." she says

"Fine! I'll do it!" Elliot says looking down

"Great! Don't worry I'll go easy on you!" she says smirking oh no..

While she explains to the girls how to block and how to distract your opponent. Elliot looks nervous? never seen him like this..She starts stepping back bringing her left hand up to to swing but switches to her right handed upper cut and hit him right in the jaw! He stumbles back but comes back and tries to swing but sheblocks it and goes and wraps her amr around his torso and takes him and pins him to the floor.

I look around and see everyones mouth opened in shock simliar to mine. Then I hear her dad clapping and cheering her on.

"Thats my girl!" he says

"I thought you were gonna go easy on me?!" Elliot whines

"Uh I lied?" she says smirking and chuckling then everyone else starts laughing

"Whatever I'm gonna go clean up.Then come and help out the others." He sighs

"Okay I'll let the girls go and train with their boyfriends and I'll come and help out little by little. Sound good?" she says everyone nods

She walks towards the bench to get her water bottle then I walk to her and sneak up and wrap my arms around her waist and whipser in her ear..

"Can't wait for our date tomorrow." I say

"Me too.." she breathes out

"So you wanna spar with me or are too scared you won't be able to handle all this?" she teases and flexes her muscle

"Oh I think I can take you!" I say smirking

"You asked for it Styles! Just don't come crying to me when I beat you!" she says smirking right back

"Its on Brooks!" I say

"Bring It! Curly!" She says while getting in the ring

By the time we get in the ring everyone starts to come around and starts watching. Once we get in our stance her dad comes up says..

"C'mon Skyster! Take him down!" he yells smirking towards me

"Lets go Styles! She's just a girl you can take her!" Louis yells

"On three...'' Liam says



"Three!...." they yell and go for a right punch which she blocks and swings her right hand and hits me right in the nose!

"There you go Sky! Keep going! Kick his ass!" Danny yells

Then I go under wrapping my arms around her torso and pin her down to the floor.Smirking I say..

"Hi.. you know I kinda like this position!" I say smirking

"Oh you cheeky little boy...." she says smile mischieviously Oh No..

"oooooohhhhh" is being yelled around the the gym after I get sockedd in the jaw and kneed where sun don't shine! Then pinned to the floor looking up in pain. I see her above me smirking..

"Told you I'd beat you!" she says standing up showing off cause she won!

"Damn Styles she beat your ass!" Zayn says laughing

"Ha.Ha.Ha! So funny! Now can you help me up please!" I ask still holding myself

"Well I guess you shouldn't just worry about me beating your ass Son!" Paul says outta nowhere

"Yea I guess not.." I say

While I'm icing my face and my downstairs area.I see Sky helping out El.and Sophia. Directing them how do hit and how to kick.Then she tells them to swing at Lou. and Liam. *SMACK* El. just punched Lou sqaure in the face! While everyone including me is doubled over in laughter. Lou just sits there shocked! I would be to if my girlfriend who has never hurt a flie in her life just socked me in the nose!

"Oh my God! Lou are you alright?!" El asks knealing beside him

"Yea I'm good.. How the Hell did you learn to hit like that?!" He asks

"Uh...Nobody really I just followed Sky's tips.." she says

"Okay...Dmmnit Sky! You made my girlfriend into a scrapper!" he says chuckling

"Eh. what can I say I'm amazing!" She says smirking and giggling

Well after that we head to the gun range and start shooting different types and sizes and after we all part ways and go home. Tomorrow I go on a date with Skylynn! This has to be perfect! So all day tomorrow til' time for the date I will be planning the most amazing first date ever!

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