Chapter Fifty-Four

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*Skylynn's POV*

~2 months later~

Its been two months since the birth of Penelope-Rose but the worst nightmare you could ever think of happened.

She was kidnapped.

We have been up for nights, doing research trying to find where she could be or  who could've taken her, but nothing. Perrie has cried non-stop since two days ago when she found out. We contacted the police since we didn't think it was gang related but were we dead wrong.

Today I got letter with a picture attached to it, telling me to go to this place without anyone and they will give back Penelope. I didn't tell anyone I just ran to the basement where I have all my weaponry hidden. I grab pocket knives, small hand guns where I'm able to hide them. I have a hoodie, a pair of slightly ripped jeans, and cap on.

I put the knives strapped between my thighs so they hopefully can't see. The gun is in the back of my pants so they won't suspect. I gather all the stuff I need grabbing the keys to my safety car, my Mustang.

Before you ask I did leave a small note but its not telling them I went to get Penelope, it says I left for a while and I don't know when I will be back. Knowing them they will figure it out and especially since one there's a tracker on the car and my dad implanted one in my leg since I just love to wonder off and try to be big and bad. I didn't mind so now he will know where to go.

The letter has stuff written on the back, telling them whats going on cause they're not that stupid to figure it out. I even left a tablet that shows where I am so it makes it a bit easier.  As I pack the last of what I might need in the trunk, I start driving to the destination.

When I pull up there's a car there waiting, but it sees me as I jump in the front of the car, aiming the run at its face.

"Get out!" I growl

"No." he mutters

"Fine." I say pulling the trigger

He didn't want to get out then so be it. I'm here to get my niece back and that's all I'm doing, doing everything in my power to get her even if it means killing them. I walk around to the entrance seeing that two guards have came out, Great I have to fight this time.

I walk casually up to them like nothings wrong til' one wants to try and stop me. Wrong move. I grab his wrist twisting it back making groan in pain, kicking him in the manhood then to his stomach. The other on is harder to fight off so I try to throw a punch but he catches it, then punches me in the gut then the nose. Bastard.

I struggle to grab the knife but I do jabbing it right into his gut hard, watching him fall to the ground. The other moves around I shoot not caring. I run through the halls as I hear gunshots going off, I hide behind a wall ducking out a few times shooting hitting multiple men down. I look around seeing as there is one guy left.

"Okay, ass-hole you want to have a shoot down or do want to fight with our fist?" I shout

"Hmm, lets do the fist I would gladly pound in your face, sweet-cheeks." he shouts chuckling

"Come and get it!" I yell I hear his footsteps getting closer I stick my foot out tripping his ass getting on top of him pounding his head to the ground but he fights back flipping us over and his starts to hit my abdomen hard

I groan in pain as I punch his chest hard, trying to push him off but nothing. He laughs amused at this situation. I knee him in the hamster balls while he's too busy laughing. I took the chance to gun shooting him in the chest, he goes limp.

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