Chapter Fifty-Three

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*Skylynn's POV*

Damn cramps! Why does mother nature want to punish me?! I've been nice. All I'm saying is that these damn cramps are killing me from the inside out. To make it better I have a slight cold. Its just not the best time for me.

Perrie is about to bust any day now...

"AHHHH!" a scream I hear from downstairs

Or any minute...

I run down the stairs to where I left her and Zayn at. When I get there Perrie is breathing heavily and Zayn has gone pale as a ghost. She's in labor. Shit!

"Perrie, breathe in and out. You my friend are in labor, we need to get you to a hospital." I say calmly grabbing her right arm as Zayn grabs her left helping up and out the door

"Its going to just fine, babe. Just breathe." Zayn says soothing words to her as we get in the car

"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN BECAUSE OF YOU ASS-HOLE! YOU KNOCKED ME UP!" Perrie shouts causing me to laugh quietly

"Yeah, yeah just breathe." Zayn groans

We pull up to the emergency entrance of the hospital, immediately as we walk in nurses run grabbing Perrie putting her in a wheel chair pushing her to a room. I'm on the phone with everyone telling to get their asses here now. Zayn is holding to Perrie's hand for dear life.

By now a doctors came and told her she's 8 centimeters dilated and two more to go. The guys have yet to show up which is pissing me the fu-

I'm cut off by them barging into the room..

"Bout fucking time!" I growl

"Sorry, traffic." Niall puts his hands up in defence while the rest nod agreeing

"Okay, Mrs. Malik let me check and see how far you are now." the doctor says checking looking back up with a smile "Perrie you are 10 centimeters dilated its time to push." she smiles widely then a nurse comes in

"You all can't be in here only two people." snooty nurse scoffs

"Look, you bitch I'm the one about to push a human out of my area down there and I suggest you let as many people I want in here! Got it?!" Perrie growls angrily the nurse looks gobsmacked

"Fine, who is staying?" she huffs

"Louis, Sky, and Zayn of course." Perrie groans in pain

"Okay time to push hard, Perrie." Doctor Montgomery says

Louis stands beside me as Zayn stands to her right holding her hand talking her through it, she has my hand squeezing all the blood I ever had in it. Louis looks as calm as usual, I'm surprised. I look at him with a questioning look.

"Mum, had four girls and a boy I'm used to it." Louis smiles proudly

"Right." I nod

"One more push Perrie, and your daughter will be here." the doctor says and Perrie screams in agony

And not much longer we hear a soft cry coming from her baby girl. I stare at them as the doctor places the baby on Perrie's chest.

"Who is cutting the umbilical cord?" she asks Zayn raises his hand walking over to cut the cord

They take the baby to get cleaned up, and weighed as Perrie rest from labor getting cleaned up herself. When they bring her the baby back, tears are evident in her and Zayn's eyes as to me I've been wiping tears since Perrie murder my hand.

"Here's your lovely 8.6 pound baby girl, she has blue eyes and beautiful brown hair. Any names yet or are we sticking to baby Malik?" the nurse asks

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