Chapter Twenty-One

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*Skylynn's POV*

Why is everything so difficult in my life?

Today is Harry's birthday and I still made sure everything went as planned but I can't bring myself to go. I invited his friends from Holmes Chapel that were under 'Family' in his phone. I asked Anne,Gemma, and Robin if they could make it since we were gonna be coming the next day but they said that he wouldn't want his mum, sister, and step-dad there that he would just want his friends. I tried persuading her to come but they wouldn't budge.

Everything at the club looks great I had rented out half the place for him and his friends so hopefully everyone will enjoy themselves.

The girls have been trying to change my mind but I can't bring myself to see him. While I'm setting everything up at the club I have help from the workers including the girls. They still bug me but I don't budge.

I know we were suppose to go back to mine and have a little get together but we changed to going to Louis' and Eleanor's place. I gave them my gift to them and told them to give it to him after everyone else goes and they agree the boys don't know I'm not coming and made sure the girls didn't say a thing.

At the club I made sure the owner would give Harry my note about why I'm not there. I'm not just not going I just feel like it would be best if he had a good night without so much tension.

So I'm on my way home to making sure I got everything planned and organized so it would go off without an hitch.

Harry why does your birthday have to be on a Sunday? I mean you're gonna get shit-faced anyways. Hopefully he will have a great 21st birthday I just hate missing it, it would be our first birthday to spend with each other. If there is is still a us that is...


"Hello.." I say answering my phone

"Hey Skylynn. It Nick Grimshaw you invited me to Harry's party tonight." Nick says

"Yea I remember you Grimmy! So whats up?" I ask

"Just making sure everything is okay for tonight..I'm slightly disappointed that you won't be there." he says

"Yea I know me too.. But work is really pushing me at the moment." I lie

"I hope to meet you soon though.. Harry never shuts up about you! Its disgusting!" he says chuckling

"Wow! Thanks Grimmy! We need to get you a girl!" I say laughing

"Yea! No. I'm fine on my own! SINGLE LIFE BITCHES!" he yells through the phone

I'm laughing so hard my sides are hurting! This boy I tell ya he has problems he's so weird!

"Okay Nick, I think I need to go before I pee myself! But I'm still finding you a girl!" I sya loudly still laughing

"Good luck with that!" he says

"Bye Grim."  I say

"Bye Brooks." he says

*End of Phone Call*

Jesus that boy is crazy! And to think I thought no-one could be worst than Louis! They're like the same person in one! Well tonight should be fun for them.

Movie night for me! Sad depressing movies.. Cuddle on the couch I begin my night of movie watching.


*Harry's POV*

Tonights my birthday and I hope that Skylynn will let me talk to her if she shows. The boys said she's been palnning this all week! She even rented out half of "Funky Budha" for me and some friends

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