Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Skylynn's POV*

Today we are leaving for L.A. to meet up with my cousin and her boyfriend. Its sad leaving my younger cousins seeing their faces saddened as we all hug each other bye. Kennedy doesn't want to let Harry go and Hannah won't stop holding me silently crying. My Aunt and Uncle both keep wiping their eyes making me tear up. I feel this pained sting in my chest watching not wanted to let go either.

"Guys I'm gonna see you guys very soon! I promise." I sob holding onto them

"Sky. Please come back soon. We need you here with us you're like our older sister.. Just swear you will come back." Hannah cries out

"I'm coming back! I swear! Maybe you guys can come to London and meet the rest of the gang this summer how about that?" I ask wiping my tears

"Yes we would love too! Momma could we go this summer?" Kennedy begs

"We will have to start booking a place to stay and flights." Aunt Tracye says smiling widely making them squeal

"FLIGHT TO LOS ANGELAS IS NOW BOARDING." the intercom comes on making me and the girls run and hug each other before we leave

"Bye guys! I love you so much I'll see you soon!" I say one last time hugging them and they run to Harry giving him a hug and telling goodbye

"I'll see you two lovely girls soon I promise!" he tells them wiping their tears along with his own

We wave goodbye and board out plane to L.A.. Since its four-o'clock in the afternoon and its a two-hour flight there we will get there at the exact same time cause the time changes L.A. is two hours ahead of us so we will have the rest of the night to spend with Lauren and Tyler..

"You okay?' Harry asks rubbing my shoulders

"Yea.. I just miss them so much and don't get to see them as often as I'd like." I say tears threaten to spill

"Hey we'll come back. Those girls already feel like my baby sisters and I want to come back soon!" he says smiling

It surprises me that he wants to come back and already sees them as family. He's thinking about our future together and making me feel loved, and happy.....


Two Hours Later.

I wake up to Harry shaking me awake. I groan telling him to leave me alone only to cause him to chuckle.

"Sky get up we landed. Your cousin is waiting for us." he says shaking me

"Fine. I'm up!" I groan again causing him to laugh

We get our carry-ons and exit the plane. Lauren said not to rent a car that we can borrow her Jeep cause she only uses it for Uni and work. So she's picking us up and it makes me anxious since she will probably have a huge sign having my name on it shouting as we walk in. We grab our bags from the baggage-claim and roam LAX to where the pick-up is. And like I said she and Tyler are there with a sign with my name on it calling me making me even more embarrassed causing Harry to laugh.

"SKYLYNN!" Lauren embraces me in a hug once we reach each other

"LoLo! I've missed you so much! and Tyler its good seeing you again." I say to the both of them

"Hey man, I'm Tyler this ones boyfriend and that ones brother from another mother" Tyler introduces himself making me laugh at his goofy self

"Hey mate, I'm Harry. Sky's boyfriend." Harry shakes his hand Tyler bringing them into a bro hug

"I'm Lauren her all time favorite cousin of course but more like sisters." Lauren says hugging him

"Its nice to meet you both Sky has told me a lot about you guys." Harry says grinning

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