Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Skylynn's POV*

"Wow...." I breathe out

"" Harry says

"That was nice.." I say not knowing what to say after what we did

"Nice?! That was fucking amazing!" he yells

I look at him trying to hold my laughter and its not working I just burst into a fit of laughter not knowing what else to do or say..

"Why are you laughing?" he asks raising an eyebrow

"You..H-how y-you were so...h-happy.." I say laughing still

"Hell yea! I'm happy why wouldn't I be I just made love to the girl I love.." he says grinning like an idiot

"Well I loved it too... can we sleep now its 1:20am..." I ask

"Sure love, lets get some rest..." he says wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me into him

"Harry?" I ask

"'Yes?" he says

"Do you want to um maybe move in with me? I mean you don't have to its just this place is so big for just one person Maryjean moved in with Niall and its big enough for us..." I ramble

"Sky..breathe. And yes I will move in with you!" he whispers in my ear making me shiver hoping he didn't notice

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" he whipsers against my neck

"N-no.." I stutter

"Are you sure about that?" he does it again

"N-no..I mean yes! Yes I am sure!" I say turning red

"Hmm... whatever you say baby.." he whipsers

"Oh just go to sleep! You cheeky little boy!" I demand playfully

"Oh baby we both know I'm not little!" he says and I know he's smirking

"HARRY! Shut up perv. So I can sleep!" I say chuckling

"Fine.. Night Angel.." he says kissing my shoulder

"Night Hazza.." I say drifting off to sleep


Morning comes or should I say Noon comes and I'm too lazy to get up and Harry is laying on top of me! His curls are tickling my chest and you can soft snores coming from his mouth! AW! He is so adorable. The sneaky person I am I grab my phone and take a picture of him sleeping with his mouth slightly open and send to all the boys including the girls! and SEND!

He's gonna get me when he finds out!

I struggle to get up from his death grip but finally I get out and take a shower then get out to see Harry still sound asleep! Jesus this boy sleeps a lot. But I have the perfect plan to wake him up!

I get a bucket of ice water to pour on his head! Oh he's really gonna get me now! 1, 2, 3!


'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" he yells looking pissed as ever

"You wouldn't wake up so this was the only option!" I say laughing

He looks at me then walks towards I just stand there watching him then he's in my face.

"So you think this is funny?" he asks grabbing my waist his eyes are like black!

"Matter of fact I think its hilarious!" I say smirking he holds tighter on my waist and its starting to hurt

"Really?" he says eyes getting darker and hands getting tighter

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