Chapter Forty-Four

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*Skylynn's POV*

Like, always happiness doesn't last long.

Today my dad came by flustered and angry.

Earlier today

"Guys, we have a problem." he says running a hand through his hair

"Dad whats going on?" I ask worriedly

"Alex Gonzales is back." he says I freeze

"Who is this person?" Zayn chimes in

"Alex is top gang leader over in Spain, he came back to try and take us down again." Dad breathes out

"Again?!" they all shout

"Yes." dad says

"Why? Why is he back, what does he want?" I ask

"Revenge." dad mumbles


Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.

That's all on my mind he wants revenge on us for what we did but its one of our rules.

1. Don't come over to our side picking fights

2. Mess with one you mess with all

3. Shoot, you'll die.

Our rules are simple and well Alex's son didn't go by them. He died after trying to take me with him. I was only fifteen, I didn't know what was going on I was never naive enough to accept something so stupid.

He died when he pointed a gun to my head warning them to not shoot or he would. Honestly, I was terrified I didn't want to die, but the person who shot him wasn't one of us.

It was Ryan.

Ryan had came up behind him, shooting him in the back of the head. That's one reason I fell for him, he saved my life that day and as much as I hate him now I will never be anymore thankful for that day.

Alex wants revenge and if he comes for me it won't end pretty. What if I'm or one us is walking down the street and boom he shoots us? We won't know of anything only that he or one of his goons shot one of us.

I can't and won't let any of them get hurt this is mine and dads fight. This is between me, my dad, and Alex.. And I promise none of us will go down without a fight.


Two weeks later

Its been a few weeks now since Alex's return and nothing has happened but we're still waiting. Just like when Ryan came back







Its what we've been doing for two weeks but no sign of Alex.

Perrie is coming by today saying she had some big news for me, which kind of freaked me out but I'm hoping its something good and nothing bad.

Knock Knock

And here she is..

"Perrie! Come in." I say opening the door

"Hey Skylynn." she says glumly

We walk to the living room sitting on the couch beside one another, she keeps looking at the ground like she's debating on whether or not to speak.

"Okay, whats up bubs you look gloomy." I state

"Sky.. I-I uh.. I-I'm p-pregnant." she stutters out

"OH MY GOD!" I shout

"I know!" she says smiling lightly

"Congrats! You're having a baby! This is good news! You and Zayn are gonna be the best of parents!" I say hugging her

"Z-zayn doesn't know yet." she mumbles

"And why not?!" I asks confused

"I don't know if he's ready for kids." she sighs

"Look, both of you are 22 years old and married! If he can't handle the fact that you're pregnant with his child then I will be here for you, even Harry." I smile at her

"What should I do? Should I just tell him?" she asks

"Yes, matter of fact if you want you can tell him here. You could call or wait til' he's done with work." I suggest

"Can I ask him to come home with Harry since I'm here?" she looks up from her phone to me

"Yes, so maybe when you tell him he won't act crazy with Harry and I here." I nod

"Okay I'll text him now." she nods texting away as I sit snuggled into couch with a big blanket on me

"He said he will." she states

"Alright, now time for TWILIGHT MOVIE MARATHON!" I shout playing the movie


Jiggling of the door knob brought us out of our trance of gawking at Jacob's abs. We never let our eyes leave the T.V. as they walked in but soon they both stood in front of it making us groan.

"MOVE YO ASSES OUT OF THE WAY!" I shout flailing my arms in the air they laugh crossing their arms

"Its okay, Sky I need to tell Zayn something anyway so guys come sit please." she pats the places between the both of us

"What's up, love?" Zayn asks

"Zayn, I-I'm Pregnant." she breathes out

Harry eyes go wide along with Zayn's, he stays frozen in place while Harry looks between me and Perrie then to Perrie's stomach.

"Zayn? You in there?" I ask snapping my fingers in his face he jumps shaking his head

"Uh, yeah.. Did you just say you're pregnant?" he asks confused she nods

"You mean I'm gonna be a dad?!" he ask excitedly she nods he picks her up kissing her hard spinning her around

"I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!" he shouts putting her down hugging her

"Congrats guys." I say winking at Perrie

"Yeah Congrats to you both." Harry finally speaks grinning

"Thanks, Oh my god Hazza I'm gonna have a kid!" Zayn says jumping into Harry's arms making us laugh

"Yes, well please get off of me you cockatoo!" Harry chuckles Zayn releases him I open my arms for him which he runs a hugs me tight

"Sky, I'm gonna be father." he whispers hugging me

"I know Zayn, you're gonna be a great dad I just know it." I whisper back

"Well, Skylynn if you don't mind us asking do you wanna be the godmother?" Perrie asks smiling with tears in her eyes

Here comes more tears...

"Yes. I would love that." I breathe out hugging both of them

"One dysfunctional family." Harry laughs we laugh along with him


After the announcement Zayn started calling anyone and everyone. It looks like me and Louis will be the god-parents since Louis is Zayn's best mate and well I'm Perrie's best friend it all works.

They couldn't stop smiling all day and I couldn't be more happier for my two greatest friends....

But like all good dreams come to a end and a nightmare begins...............



Drama. Drama. Drama.....

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