Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Skylynn P.O.V.*

Days past since the wedding Perrie and Zayn are still on their 'HoneyMoon' neither of them would tell us where only Zayn knew at first til' they got there I asked Perrie where they were but she just said "Its really romantic and peaceful." and then said "Its warm very beautiful weather" that's it nothing else just that.

We all been hanging out here and there. Today Liam and Sophia are coming by so me I can go shop with Sophia while Harry goes with Liam to the gym or whatever guys do together. Its been very quiet around the house lately Harry usually goes with the guys when I hang out with the girls.

Us girls mostly lay around and watch the T.V. or go shopping. We never do anything big cause we're to lazy.

Right now I'm studying for mid-term for Uni. We have to write an essay about the most terrible thing that has happen to you. I wrote about my mums death. It was the most terrible, unbearable thing that has ever happened in my life. I have my glasses on, hair is in a messy bun, with Harry's Led Zeppelin t-shirt and some baggy sweats. I've been writing for about an hour, a few tears fall from my eyes as I relive the horrific thing that happened to my life.

Mum always told me that to never look back in the past and to focus on the future. She said the most important thing to do is to surround yourself with people who care for you, as much as you care for them. To love those who love as an equal.

I always think about what she told me when I was growing up. To this day I do as told and make sure to surround my life around the ones who care for me, the ones who love me.

Thinking about my life now makes me smile knowing I have so many people who love me, who care for me, like my mum told me to do. I know she would've loved Harry he's such an amazing guy, he cares about me more than any guy has ever in my life besides my dad and Uncle. Mum would've loved everyone she would have been so proud of what I and Dad become. We have become so much more civil, so much more alive.

Words couldn't describe how much I miss her. How much I love her. I pray everyday that I'll see her soon. It will be four years on July ninth without her here. Four years that has gone by since she died. Four years without my mum. Four years without my best friend.

I love you mum...


My thoughts were interrupted by someone at the door most likely Liam and Sophia. I get up from my cozy spot I was sitting at and go to the door. When I open it, its not Liam nor is Sophia. Its Harry in handcuffs with two Officers holding him looking at me sternly while Harry has a god damn smirk on his face!

"Hello?" I ask

"Are you Ms. Brooks?" one of the officers ask

"Yes. May I ask why you have him in cuffs?" I ask

"Well you see Ms. Mr. Styles here was caught fighting with two other young males in a parking lot." he explains

"And why might I ask is he here and not at the police station?" I ask

"He isn't in trouble Ms. the other ones had caused the fight. Mr. Styles is only in cuffs because we didn't take them off. He thought it would be funny to turn up at your doorstep with him handcuffs." he says chuckling a bit

"Okay? So he's good right?" I ask completely confused

"Yes, Ma'am." he says taking the cuffs off

"Thank you for bringing him back." I say politely he nods walking off


"Wow I thought you would be more concerned about me than that." Harry fake gasps

"At first I was. Then I saw that stupid smirk plastered on your face." I smirk

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