Chapter Forty-Nine

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*Skylynn POV*

~Christmas Eve~

Its Christmas Eve and no Harry hasn't woken up. I'm scared that he might not wake up. He hasn't shown any sign of waking up or getting better. I have been in a different state of mind these last two weeks. Me and the gang are here with Harry watching over him, silently praying he wakes up.

These last two weeks have not been good for me, I've been in fights at bars and clubs for some reason I don't know of. Like last week I was at a bar and some slut comes up to me accusing me for being in her way when she spilt her drink on her.

You want to know the whole story? I guess I'll have too start from the beginning.

~Two weeks prior~

Me and the guys are at this bar having a few drinks and what not. No, I didn't come to get drunk or to try and forget about Harry's accident. I just wanted to clear my mind, for a while. We are all having a good time til' some whore comes up to me starting some shit.

"Hey watch where you're going bitch!" some slut slurs her words

"Excuse you but I was never in your way, so maybe if you weren't drinking and sleeping around all the time you would be a little brighter in the head!" I sneer at this unknown hooker

She stares at me with evil next thing I know my left cheek has a stinging sensation to it. That bitch just slapped me!

"You whore! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" I shout punching her in her nose while I grab her hair

She knees me in the stomach causing me to let go of her hair clutching my stomach, that's when she takes another hit on me.

"Not as tough as you think you are now, huh?" she spat

"I'm tougher than you think, fucker!" I growl lunging at her I punch left and right til' someone pulls me away from her

I start to thrash in their hold turning to see Louis dragging me away.


"SKYLYNN! STOP NOW! Harry wouldn't want you to be doing this." he says the last part quietly and I stop

He finally puts me down and we walk to the exit til' we hear sirens and flashing lights come through the windows. Great, how the hell are we gonna get out of here with both exits blocked?!

"Guys, walk away so you won't get in trouble." I demand watching them slowly back away

Right, then Officer Devin my parole officer walks in, seeing my face and shakes his head as he starts to place the handcuffs on me, reading me my rights.

"Skylynn you need to stop this." he states I just shake my head understanding

We walk out to the car as he tells me things I need to do such as, taking my anger out of something else and not someones face. Or not to let my emotions get the best of me. And my favorite one people always tell me.

"You should think about anger management." he says as we drive to the station


Once we walk in the guys and my Uncle? Are already there waiting and filling stuff out. They take me to questioning as I sit there and explain to them what happened

I tell them how we were just having a few drinks and some girl came up and started to go off on me about how I was the one who made her spill her drink, when I was nowhere near her. Then I told him how we were going back and forth yelling at each other than she threw the first hit, then I hit her a few times. I lastly I told him.

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