Chapter Fourteen

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*Skylynn's POV*

1 Month later

Its been a month since Liam was taken and I can't take it no more. Watching Sophia break each and everyday breaks me inside. Nobody will let me out of their sight if I go somewhere they go too and I can't do it no more! Today I'm getting Liam back no matter the cost.

On the phone*

Me: Hello?

Ryan: Skylynn? You called!

Me: Yea I did... Meet me at the Alley behind the bar at the centre.

Ryan: Wait are you making me a deal?

Me: Yes bring Liam there and you can have me.

Ryan: No funny buisness?

Me: No funny buisness. You take me and give them back Liam

Ryan: You promise that none of your other friends will be with you?

Me: Yes Ryan they don't know I'm making a deal with you. So is it a deal?

Ryan: Deal. See you in a hour Bye...

Phone call over

I walk downstairs to see Sophia and Harry I tell Sophia to come with me to the kitchen.

"Hey Sky. Whats up?" She asks

"Sophia I'm getting Liam back today. DON'T tell nobody! I will probably not be coming back so don't worry Ryan won't hurt me. You have to trust me and I have to trust you that you won't tell a soul." I say

"Sky... You can't do this. We can get Liam some other way I know it!" she exclaims

"Soph, I can't back out now. I'm meeting him in 30mins which I need to leave so I can get there! Please don't tell no one trust me I'm gonna be fine!" I promise her

"Okay.. Just please be safe your like a sister and I don't want you to risk your life for Liam.." she says that warms my heart knowing how she cares, how much everyone cares but I have to do this

"I'll be fine! and I'm doing cause I want to not because I have to." I say hugging her we say our final goodbye's and she heads upstairs

I walk towards the livingroom to talk to Harry real quick and make up something to where I'm going.

"Hey Haz." I say sitting beside him

"Hey babe whats up?" He asks turning towards me dammnit those green eyes again..

"I'm going to the grocery store and I'll be back in a few.." I lie

"Okay I'll come with you." he says getting up I pull him back down

"No. I can go by myself I'll be fine I promise!" I say

"Fine just call if anything happens." he says

"I will! I love you Harry!" I say kissing him

"I love you Sky!" he says

Walking to my room I decide to write him a note to find explaining what I'm doing and that I will be fine.

Dear Harry,

Just know when you find out what I'm really doing that I'm doing cause I care and I need to. He won't hurt me I know it! I will be back before you know it. 'I won't have my phone' so don't try to call. Take care of yourself til' I get back...It breaks my heart to write this.. Not goodbye its a See Ya Soon letter! I love you Haz...

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