Chapter Fifty-Two

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*Skylynn' POV*

Today I'm officially graduating Uni! I am nervous as hell, right now the guys are all gonna be there in the stands watching. As of now I'm getting dress, I have a knee length white colored dress with laced sleeves, with black flat heels that have gold stud straps around the ankle. I let my hair fall down my back with light makeup on.

One last look in the mirror I grab my cap and gown laying it over my shoulders as I walk downstairs where everyone else is waiting. Perrie's baby is due in about a month and her mood swings are horrendous.

Their eyes land on me as I walk to the living room where they've been waiting, I feel Harry's eyes on me as I get closer.

"How do I look?" I ask shyly

"Gorgeous." "Beautiful" "Amazing" "Hot"

Everyone says at one time I don't know who said what, I just blush telling them we need to leave if I want to be there on time and get my diploma.


Now I sit here, waiting to be called up on stage. My name has now been called, and walking up to the podium the gang shout and wolf whistle as I shake the Dean and Professors hand grabbing my diploma I walk off stage with a proud smile on my face. I sit in my spot waiting for the rest of the class to be called and lastly we all stand as the Professor speaks

"Class of 2016 it has been a great four years teaching and guiding you into your new futures. I see great things planned for each and everyone of you. Please do not disappoint. As to the team and school faculties, family and friends. I give you Graduates of University of London Arts, Class Of 2016!" he shouts as everyone throws their caps in the air and the crowd cheers loudly

I walk around talking to my fellow graduates, taking a few pictures here and there til' someone grabs me from behind making me squeal and giggle. I turn to see Harry and the rest of the mutly crew smiling proudly.

"CONGRATS SKY!" Louis and Niall yell Jesus, their the loudest

"THANK YOU!" I yell back chuckling

"Congrats Grad!" MaryJean sings as she and the girls hug me saying their congrats ass well

"Congratulation Sis! You're finally out of here!" Liam says proudly

"Thank you Bubba!" I say hugging me

"Congrats Badass!" Zayn smirks hugging me

Then theirs Harry standing there smiling like a goof arms opened wide smiling I run into his arms as he engulfs me in a massive bear hug, squeezing the life out of me.

"Congrats, love." he mumbles into my hair as we stand there in each others arms

"Thank you, Haz!" I whisper back

"Okay, you two look at the camera so we can get picture." my Father commands us as we look at the camera smiling cheesily

"Got it!" he says

"Lets go get drunk!" Niall shouts

"HELL YES!" I shout making them laugh

"Guys, I can't drink 8 months prego here." Perrie snorts causing us the chuckle

"You can get some apple cider!" I say in a baby voice

"Piss off Brooks!" she growls playfully

"Whatever you say, Edwards!" I sing back to her

"Correction, Malik!" she corrects me

"My bad. Whatever Malik!" I mock her

''C'mon you two."Zayn and Harry say pulling us apart

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