Chapter Eight

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*Skylynn's POV*

"Ryan?" I say shakingly

"Ah. Skylynn baby how have you been?" he asks as he walks towards me

I start to clenched my fist as he gets closer..

"Oh darling no need for that." he says smirking gesturing towards my fists

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Well it is close to Halloween..So why not get into the spirit?" he says

"Bullshit! You followed us didn't you?!" I asks getting angry

"Baby, Now why would I follow you? Huh?" he says smirking

"Oh don't play that load of shit with me you know exactly what I'm talking about you pathetic bastard!" I spat at him

He grabs my wrist so tightly making me whimper. I look at everyone else and see the boys have their girlfriends behind their backs including MaryJean.. Niall looks so protective of her.. I then look at Harry who looks as if he's gonna kill. Fists clenched, jaw locked I swear at any chance he got he would punch Ryan flat out on his ass

"Now darling don't be like that. I'm like what I said I would so I can get back whats mine. Remember I told you I would come back for you.. and see here I am." he says caressing my cheek with his free hand

"Back the Fuck away from her!" Harry growls behind me

"Oh look it seems to me you must her new little boyfriend! Well thats not gonna work she's mine always has been so you should really just walk away!" Ryan says

"You would like that wouldn't you?! Huh? I walk away and what you take her away from us from me see thats not gonna happen you dick!" Harry says louder

"Ryan why do you want me? Why do you wanna take me? I sent you to prison.. so tell me what possibly could want with me?" I ask

"I Love You Skylynn..." he says

"No! No you don't..You don't know what love is!" I yell at him his face turns to anger

"Look! the whole time I was in that prison cell I thought you and only you! I counted the days til' I got to see you! You were my one and only! You help me get through those last three god foresaken years! I missed you! I FUCKING LOVE YOU! can't you see I love you Skylynn! I really do.." he says with rage then qiuets down at the end

"You say all this but in reality all you want is revenge! Just like that damn letter says!" I spat in his face

"I heard you were fighter now! I see you've been taking care of yourself.. My friends have told me a lot has happened since I left.. You've become stronger! More confident than usual.. I like this.. this New You! you've changed!" he says

"I didn't change I grew up!" I say looking down at my wrists I can tell they're bruising by second

"Ryan let go of my wrists..You're hurting me..." I whimper and he lets go like something inside him changes

"Skylynn I'm sorry for holding your wrists so tight.." he says

"Its time for you to leave Ryan!" Louis growls at him then he's back to his cocky and angry side

"Ha! I see you have your little buddies around now.. Fine! I'll leave but baby you will see me sooner than you think!" he whipsers the last part in my ear and kisses my cheek

I stand there frozen not knowing what to do. Everybodies going crazy trying to figure whats going on. And I don't know how to handle anything at this point. I look down at my wrists and see his finger prints bruising the skin.

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