Chapter Eighteen

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*Skylynn's POV*

Everything feels fuzzy.. I look around and see a shadow down the hall I walk towards it but it keeps walking so I follow. Soon I'm chasing this figure once I catch up to it, it turns around and looks at me

"Mum" I ask tearing up

"Sweetie.. You need to go back to your friends and that nice boyfriend of yours." she says rubbing my arms

"Mum what are you talking about? Am I dying.." I ask shaking

"No darling, Just unconcious I'm here to tell you to go back to live your life.." she says

"Momma I miss you." I say a tear falls

"Aw baby girl I miss you too as well as your father." she says

"I love you mum." I say

"I love you too hunney I've got to go.. Go home sweetie.." she says walking off

"Mum don't go....Please" I plead but she's gone

Everything around me turns black and I see two figures walking to me they get closer and I see their faces Ryan and his dad

"Baby come with us me and you could be together.."Ryan says

"NO! I will not come with you! I would'nt be like this if it wasn't for you!" I spat in his face

"But you killed me and my dad you deserve to be here you're just as bad as us!" He says

"No I'm not! I was defending myself you guys were doing it purposely!" I yell

"Now baby don't be like that come with us!" he demands grabbing my arm

"NO!" I yell and it all disappears...


I hear voices I know those voices!

"Bubz please wake up.. We miss you, we need you back.." that voice Perrie!

"She's right Sky we need you come back to us!" MaryJean sobs

"We're all here El, Soph, Me, and MaryJean... The boys are here too.." Perrie says

"Please wake up Sky....Who's gonna help us keep these boys in check?" El chuckles a bit

"Lets go guys give her some rest the boys are gonna wanna speak with her..Sky wake up please!" Sophia begs

"We Love You.." they say in unison

Great I'm alone and why the hell couldn't my eyes open as much as I try they won't open....

"Sky if you can hear me I'm so sorry this happened to you.. Come back to us I need my little sassy sister back..Please come home.." Louis voice echos

I can hear you Louis! I can hear you! Damn eyes open up!

"Hey Skybie..Thats your nickname I gave you since you gave me ZayZay.. Please I miss your badass who doesn't take shit from no-one self.. You were always a little sister to me and I miss you so much! Love you Skybie!" Zayn voice

Open up you dumb eyes I need my friends to know I'm okay!

"Skylynn We miss you...come home..." Liam voice

"Its Ni. here your Irish Leprechaun! Sky why did you take that bullet for me? You're in here because of me.. Please wake up and tell me why you did all this for us.." Niall sobs

"Sky why did you trade yourself for me? Why did you put yourself in harms way?... I love you like my baby sister and I need you to come back to us!" Liam sniffles

Why can't I open my damn eyes?! I need my family these boys are my family I need to get back to them why can't I open my eyes?! Please open up!

"Angel....Please don't let me go..don't leave me.. I need you! You don't know how much pain it causes me watching lay here so lifeless.. I miss you...I've been here everyday you've been here...Its been a month you're in a coma...and I miss your voice, your laugh, your smile, those big brown eyes of yours.. Please come to me!  I love you Skylynn..." Harry voice oh my God Harry I'm here I'm not leaving..

I'm not leaving you Harry I promise...

"Come home Kiddo...I love you darling.." Uncle Cane.....

No! Everyone I'm here please....

"Hey baby girl... I'm here and not going anywhere.. Wake up baby girl... I love you Skyster.." Daddy....

I have to wake up...


*Harry's POV*

A month

One whole month without Skylynn in my arms..

A month without her voice

Her laugh

Her smile

Her Eyes

One month without Her....

We've all been talking to her I've been here everyday and night.. The boys have brought me clothes so I can wash up but I haven't left this place since that night. It still so vivid in my mind it scares me.

I miss my baby in my arms..The doctor has been talking and explaining whats happening about her vitals and heart rate stuff like that. He told me and Paul that she might not be able to have kids. I broke hearing that she always wanted kids and I do too but they said its a slight chance..

Right now I'm sitting here holding her hand praying she will wake up soon..With no luck she hasn't yet..

"Hey Haz.." Niall says he's been up here more than anyone besides me, Paul, and Cane

"Hey Nialler..What are you doing here so early.." I ask

"Just wanted to see how she was doing. Harry I feel like shit! This is my fault whether you say it is or not... I can't stand seeing her like this..She's like my sister I never had a sister..." Niall sniffles

"Look Ni. Its not your fault okay. Skylynn is gonna wake up soon. and if she hears you blaming yourself your ass will get whooped!" I say trying to lighten the mood

"But what if she hates me when she wakes up and realize that I'm the one who caused this?!' he says pulling is hair

"She won't I know that she could never blame you. This is all Ryan's fault...Not yours!" I say

"Just call if she wakes up..." He says

"Always mate!" I say give himm a hug

He walks out when Paul walks in with Cane. They just sit there talking to her so I just sit there til' they're finished. Paul has been so worried the look in his eys when he see's her is heartbreaking.

The boys including the girls are here just waiting around talking to her. Her room has stuffed animals, balloons and flowers everywhere. She is gonna go ape shit when she wakes up!


Its late at night and I lean over to talk to Skylynn..

"Hey Angel, I wish you would wake up so I can kiss you properly...But I miss you so much.. I need you to wake up! Just please whatever you do..don't let go yet...please don't leave me....I love you so much Skylynn.." I say sobbing then something squeezes my hand I look up to see Skylynn looking at me with tears in her eyes..

"I'm not going anywhere...I love you Harry...." she croaks 

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