Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Skylynn's POV*

Today we are at the airport heading to Texas to see my family and then off to L.A. to my other cousin who lives there. My younger cousins are on Spring Break so we will get to spend a week with them and week with my other cousin.

To say the airport is packed is an understatement! I've been bumped up into, almost tripped other some lady's dog carrier! People are rough these days! Harry is nervous meeting my Aunt and Uncle from my mums side but he keeps denying it! It shows in his face!

My dad and the rest of the posse' came along to send us a fair-well. These people have become my family within months and we might be dysfunctional but we love each other too much to let the others get hurt!

"Okay you call us when you guys land." dad says sternly

"Will do!" I say cheerily

"You guys have fun but not too much fun!" Louis says snickering

"Ha-ha funny Lou! Now give us some love cause our plane is about to board!" Harry says directing towards the lady announcing our flight number

We give each other hugs my dad won't let go and holds me tighter thats when Liam wraps his arms around us and squeezes us together! God they are too much alike!

"Okay let me go! I have a plane to catch!" I say giggling and they let go

"See you soon kiddo! Harry take care of her!" dad says seriously while Harry nods

"I'm kidding you better take care of that boy he looks nervous!" dad whispers in my making me giggle

"I will Daddy! Love you guys!" I say waving them off as we walk towards our gate hands locked together

I look back and wave one more time seeing them all smiling and waving. Harry tugs my hand down the gate hall heading to the plane.

Getting to our seats wasn't so hard since my dad insisted on first-class which ours on infront of the cabin so we get ourselves comfortable while everyone piles in. I look at Harry and he's either nervous about flying or meeting my family most likely both. Ha-ha..

"Hey you okay?" I ask

"Yea.. Just tired is all." he says

"Hmm thats whats wrong." I say giggling

"It is!" he exclaims

"Alright I'm not saying that it isn't!" I put my hands up in defence holding my laughter

"I'm not liking you today Brooks!" he says smirking

"You love me Styles!" I giggle

He turns and leans in for a kiss our lips meet he puts his hand on my cheek caressing it then we pull away and I lean my head on his shoulder trying to get some sleep before we get there 15 hours flight here we come.


I slept about two hours now me and Harry are watching a movie in the little cubbie we're in. They ha Fast and Furious 5 and might I say Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are total hotties! But no-one can beat my HazzaBear! ;)

We finish watching that movie and along with another one so we start playing games and just talking for hours getting shushed by elders for laughing too loud and for supposedly being inappropriate? If we were being inappropriate you would know! There aren't any kids up here so they won't hear anything.


15 hours later.

Yes we finally landed! We go to get our luggage then to the car rental to get our Black Silverado that I had to have cause it was my dream truck but never got it and plus I couldn't wait to see Harry drive it!

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