Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Skylynn's POV*

Bloody fucking hell!

I wake up to the thunder and rain hitting the window, I look at my phone to see its 1:30 in the afternoon! Damn I slept late. I pretty much don't remember shit from last night but I have a feeling I did something stupid besides hitting Cole but that's all I remember and I don't find it stupid that I punched him I mean he kept talking his smart-ass off so he got what was coming to him.

Grabbing the two Tylenols and the glass of water I gulp them down going to take a shower to get cleaned up, I don't even remember changing last night let alone coming home.

My head is still pounding while I cleanse myself. I've shaved, shampooed, conditioned and repeat. I swear whatever I said or did last night was completely stupid. I get out of the shower drying off leaving my hair damp and unbrushed I put on some clean undergarments and some sweats putting on a oversized jumper walking downstairs.

Walking downstairs I hear laughter and my voice? It sounds recorded....OH SHIT!

I walk into the kitchen seeing everyone doubled over in laughter looking at the computer screen with me in the passenger side of Harry's truck talking about panda's and penguins? What the hell did I say and do last night?!

"Please tell me that's not me." I groan making them jump and stop laughing

"Skylynn, how was your sleep?" Louis asks on the break of laughing

"Peaceful! Now please close the laptop and fix me some food." I demand smirking

"Already covered!" Harry chimes in handing me a plate of bacon and waffles

"Thanks Haz." I give him a kiss sitting down to eat

They all look at me about to laugh.

"Go ahead laugh, tell what all I did last night." I tell them

So that's exactly what they do. Harry starts saying that he got a call from Caleb telling him I was shit-faced and that he needed him to come get me, then when he got there I was slurring and slumped over on the porch, then got excited knowing he had showed up, he put me in the truck and I was muttering stuff then burst into a fit of laughter about panda's, then I turned angry about penguin's,

Then when we got home I didn't know who he was and started telling him about this boyfriend of mine named Harry on how hot he was and his favorite part..

"You told me I was amazing in bed." he says smirking while everyone laughs I put my head down cringing since One my head hurts, Two I told my boyfriend he was good in bed while I was completely out of it

"Anything else I did to embarrass myself?" I asks hoping not

"Well, you told me off for laughing at you then got really pissed when I wouldn't stop so you told me if I didn't stop laughing I would wake up with no balls. And you said you punched a dude as well." he explains

"You obviously still have your balls. Yes I did pucnhed a guy last night he deserved it anyway." I sit back and cross my arms last nights memories flood to my mind to when I punched Cole square in the face making me chuckle

"So you wanna tell us who pissed the famous Skylynn Brooks?" Zayn asks smirking

"A guy named Cole was being a dick, you see my best friend Madison is his girlfriend well earlier this year he cheated on her and it pissed me off, I was the one to comfort her, I was the one to confront him and the whore who he cheated with! I told her not to go back to him but I also say if he fights for you then he must really love you. He would call everyday, come here when he knew she would be with me, he started calling me and everyone close to her to get her back but I just hated every ounce of him.

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