[ Chapter 1 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" Happy birthday, father " I place the box on the palm of his hand.

He had brunette hair and E/c eyes.

He sits against the headboard as his pale face is getting more visible, wearing his blue silk night clothing. He opens the box and a smile forms on his dry lips.

He takes out the platinum ring and smile.

He takes out the platinum ring and smile

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" It's beautiful " he said.

" It was grandfather's, he told me to give it to you on your birthday " I take it and put it on his middle finger, next to his engagement ring on his ring finger.

" Well thank him " he said and started to cough.

He pat and caress his back as he calms down. I turn to the maid and signal her for the tea she's carrying on the tray. She approaches and I pour the tea slowly. I pick up the cup with the plate under it.

" Here, careful it's hot " I said.

He takes it and sip on it, I take it and place it back on the tray. He clears his throat and I take his hand, placing the back of his hand on my cheek.

" Your highness, you've been taking care of His Majesty for two days now, please eat something " my maid approaches as she carries a tray with a bowl of soup and a cup of water.

She has jet black hair and green emerald eyes as she wear her dress that I've made. (Pic above)

I sighed.

" Later Natalie, just a few more minutes " I said, she nods and stood up.

" You can go ahead eat, I'll rest, it's not like I'm going to go somewhere if I'm in this state " he coughs.

" Calm your nerves " I sighed one last time.

" I'll be right back shortly " I stood up and bow my head.

I place his hand down as I stood up.

I exit the room as the butler opens it for me.

I sighed.

" Let's head to the garden, your mother and brother is waiting for you " Natalie said, I nodded.

Walking down the wide hallway, we exit the door and walk down the pathway. Seeing in the center there, a woman with H/c hair and dark purple eyes. Wearing a beautiful dark green dress. She's sitting on the square stone table, on the right side there sat a guy with brunette hair and E/c eyes.

Wearing his black uniform with the gold outline and the yellow designs around it.

" Y/n, your lips are dried " The woman said.

I approach and sit down in front of her.

" I'm fine mother, just a bit thirsty and hungry, there's nothing to worry about " I said.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now