[ Chapter 8 ]

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*don't play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I'm still wearing my dress Natalie made me, it's seven o'clock at night and there are hundreds of people from the kingdom inside the castle. We're in the ballroom right now.

I see beautiful dresses worn by many woman and a proper uniform worn by gentlemen. It was inaudible chats all around the room.

Daughter's from many Prime Minister's are being introduced to Aiden and Arthur right now. They both kindly greet them when I can tell they're both annoyed.

" This is April Young, the second daughter of the Prime Minister Castor Young " the butler inform.

" It's nice to meet you, Your Highness " the girl with auburn hair curtsy as her red crimson eyes look up at Aiden and Arthur with a blush on her cheeks.

" It's pleasure to meet you too April " Aiden said.

I brought my hand up to my lips as I chuckled silently but mother heard.

" Y/n " mother lightly hit my hand.

" Sorry mother " I smile as Aiden looks intimidated, I mean, he already is though.

I see grandmother is peacefully sitting on her chair with a table in front of her as other people greet her well. Also having a few chats with some of the Prime Minister's wives.

" Natalie " I call, she walks up to me and bend down as I whisper into her ear.

She nodded in agreement and walk down the stairs.

" Y/n " father calls, I stood up and walk over to him.

" Yes, father? " I asked.

" Let me introduce you to Freddy Topaz, first son of the Prime Minister Topaz " father said.

He had jet black hair and dark brown eyes, he takes my hand and kiss my knuckles. I feel his soft gloves on my hand.

" Your Highness " he said, I curtsy.

" Pleasure to meet you " I said and he takes his hand back.

" He's older than you " father whisper.

" It doesn't matter " I whisper back.

" Hundreds of apologies but I'm going to greet other guest " I said as I curtsy one last time and walk away.

Aiden and Arthur seems jealous on how I walk away so easily. It's when the music started playing.

*Play song, Skip to 56 seconds*

What I requested Natalie to do.

I turn to the guest and they all started dancing with their partners. I turn to Aiden who are forced to dance with the Prime Minister's daughter, while Arthur is with Melissa.

I walk down the stairs and stand on the edge, seconds into the music playing, Dante walks up to me.

" May I have this dance, Princess? " He asked as he reach out his hand, I chuckled.

I take his hand in acceptance.

He takes me into the middle of the ballroom and we start dancing as I feel his soft hands on mine.

" You look ravishing " he compliments.

" Thank you " I said.

" Anytime " he said.

" Let's talk about something " I said.

" And what shall be the topic? " He asked as I twirl.

I place my hand on his shoulder and his hand is on my waist as both of our hands are intertwine, our body swaying.

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