[ Chapter 17 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" You've been in bed for the entire morning, it's two in the afternoon " mother enters the room.

" Mother, I was drunk yesterday, you know how fatigue I get after I'm sober " I said.

" Well who asked you to get drunk? " She asked, I groan.

" Just let me sleep for a few more hours " I turn to the left opposite of where she's standing.

" And hours will turn days " she said.

" Mother! " I whined.

" Get up " she throws a pillow at my head, I whined.

" Your old enough to be responsible and this is irresponsible for you as a Princess heir to the throne " she said.

" Arthur is heir to the throne, mother, it's clearly in his name, Crown Prince Arthur L/n of Avalon, Aiden and I are just a Prince and Princess " I said.

" And your supposed to say you aren't going to be Queen? " She asked.

" I only become the Queen if Arthur and Aiden dies then I'll be the prestigious Queen of Avalon and if I'm married I'll be another kingdom's Queen " I said.

She sighed and I feel her sit down on the edge of the bed in front of me. I look up at her with my messy hair.

" Your stubborn like your father " she said, I smile up at her with squinted eyes.

" Which is why I am not letting that slide " she pulls off the blanket.

" Mother! " I groan.

" Get up and clean yourself, do something to get rid of that tiredness of yours and at the end of the day, we'll have a family dinner with a few conversation that might interest you " she said and I hear her leaving my chambers.

I whine.

" You Highness " Natalie made me sit up.

I groan and move my hair out of my face.

" We can try the new dress " she said, I sighed.

" Not today, I want to have some archery training "

~ Time Skip ~

I aim the arrow that has no arrowhead on it directly at Aiden. The tip of the arrow is just blunt with a fabric wrapped around it so it would not injure anyone, it doesn't make anyone bleed but it does hurts.

I release the arrow and it shoot directly at his hip.

" Agh! " He drops his sword and hold he place where did hit him, he then let out an exasperating grunt.

Arthur cackles.

Aiden looks at me as I make a sad face for him.

" Are you okay? " I approach him.

" Does it look like it? " He winced.

" Don't worry, it'll just leave a bruise " Arthur said.

I pick up his sword and pass it to him.

" Here, I'm sorry " I said.

" Your lucky your a girl " he said and take it as he crack his back.

I chuckled and pass my bow to Natalie as I walk back to the stable. I grab a bottle of water when someone takes it already, I look up and see Laurence.

" Oh, here " he gives it back.

" It's okay " I said and grab another one.

" Your a tough girl to be in battle " he said, I chuckled.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now