[ Chapter 7 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I pay the guy as he takes the horses. We walk down the market and look around. Dante decided to tag along too.

" I'm gonna wonder off, I'll meet you guys here later " I said.

" Where are you going? " Aiden asked.

" It's grandmother's birthday, gotta get her something " I walk away with Natalie and Dante follows.

" What are you planning to get her? " He asked.

" I don't know, we'll see what's in store " I said.

We arrive at a tent where I see jewelery was sold. The guy sold a brooch, it's beautiful and I pick it up. (Pic above)

" You like it? " Dante asked.

" Miss, you really have a good taste in accessories " the man said.

" It just caught my eye " I said.

" I'll pay it " Dante said.

" Thank you " I said and he had Jordan pay it.

He's Dante's manservant, he has jet black hair and red crimson eyes. I pass it to Natalie and she puts it inside her pouch. I continue to walk.

" You don't really like jewels do you? " Dante asked.

" They mean nothing to me, except grandmother's circlet crown, it holds lots of memories " I tap lightly on the circlet crown on my head.

" Grandmother doesn't like jewelery that much as well, I'm probably going to buy her something else " I said.

We stop at another seller and look around, I was about to pick up a dagger when someone grab my wrist, I flinched and look up to see a man.

" Miss, that's really sharp, I don't think it's safe to touch for such a pretty girl like you " he said seductively, I pull my hand away.

" It's not that scary to touch a blade " I said.

" Well look what we have here, where did you get this? " I touches my circlet.

" It was given " I said.

" You don't mind if I take it? " He was about to take it off and I slap his hand when Natalie pushes him away and withdraw her sword.

Pointing it at him.

" How dare you touch her " Natalie said.

He pushes the blade away but Natalie resist.

" Do you know who she is? " Dante asked.

" That's enough, let's not waste time " I said.

Natalie puts her sword back in the sheath and he launches, Natalie punches him right in his mouth and Jordan withdraw his sword at him and he groans in pain when blood was pouring down from his mouth a little

He was about to throw a punch again when a hand grips his forearm and turn it to his back.

" I'd throw you in jail for that " I look up and see Arthur.

" Who do you think you are?, The king? " He asked aggressively as he struggles to escape.

" No, I'm his son, Arthur " he said and let him go.

" You alright? " Aiden asked, I nodded.

" She's my sister, I'll let you off this once, come on " Arthur said and we walk away.

It was lucky there was a few people witnessing that. I notice Natalie's knuckles is bleeding a little.

" Rose " I grab her hand.

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