[ Chapter 30 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" After all these years, she was the one behind everything? " I asked.

" I was shocked as you are when I found out, so much for the promise we made " Dante said.

" Why didn't Gene told me when you guys found out? " I asked.

" My father didn't allow us to go back to Esthera, and if we did, our head wouldn't be on our shoulders for disobeying him " he said.

" I couldn't bare how I treated you on the day we left you at Esthera " he said.

" I'm sorry as well, but did you at least told your father the truth about Nicole? " I asked.

" We didn't tell him so we can make Nicole believe that we have given up, we wanted to catch her in action " he said.

" But how can Nicole killed your mother when she was with you?, And the maid saw me and Mariko instead of Nicole " I asked.

" She must've done it before the wedding ceremony started and possibly bribed them " he said.

" I just can't believe it " I said.

" I couldn't believe it either, we've been trying to convince ourselves that she wasn't the murderer " he said.

" But why? " I asked.

" To get rid of you, she's been acting weird ever since after your exile and the wedding " he said.

" What did you do after you found out?, Where's the report? " I asked.

" It's with me " I stood up from the bench were sitting on and turn around behind me to see Mariko standing there with Gene.

" Mariko! " I go around the bench and we leap into each other's arms.

" I thought you were dead! " I said.

We pull apart.

" I was hunted down and fell down a cliff, I was caught in a branch and Gene saved my life " she said, I sighed in relief.

" I'm so glad your alive " I said and Dante approach us.

" Here " she takes out a scroll.

" The report " I said and take it as I unroll it.

" Since no one knew Mariko is still alive, we kept it with her " Gene said.

I started reading it and rage boils in my blood.

" I'm gonna kill her " I said as I roll it back.

" Don't do anything yet, since you and Aiden are going to rebuild Avalon, you'll be staying here for a few days to rest " Dante said.

" And maybe, we can take advantage back to strike Nicole back " Mariko said, I hear a branch snap.

" Then we both can be together " Dante takes my hand.

" Wait " I put my hands up as I listen in.

" What is it? " Gene asked.

I swiftly grab Dante dagger on his waist and turn around throwing it to someone when the blade of the dagger was caught in between a book.

" Ein " I said.

He looks up at me and take out the dagger from his book.

" That was a pretty interesting plot twist, who knew Dante was in love with the girl " he said.

" Are you going to just stand there or help us plan? " Mariko asked.

" Wait, he's with us? " I asked.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now