[ Chapter 11 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

" Make sure the letter is sent to my parents " I pass it to the guard, he bows his head and leaves the room.

I sigh as I hold the quill, looking down at the paper in front of me. Sooner or later I start sketching on the paper.

A knock is on the door.

" Your Highness " Natalie calls.

" Yes? " I asked.

" Prince Arthur wants to talk to you " he said.

" Tell him, I'm asleep " I said.

" Your Highne– " I slam the quill down and turn my head to her.

She press her lips into a line and walk away shutting the door. I sigh and stood up, I take off the comb behind my hair and adjust them on my shoulders.

" Y-your Highness! " I hear Natalie.

I turn around and see Arthur forcing his way in. I sigh and turn around as I take off my armor on my shoulder.

" I know your upset, but we need the village to fight for themselves " he said.

" And what about the children's? " I asked.

He stayed silent.

" No answer for that huh? " I put the armor on the stand and take off my forearm armor.

" We'll come up with a plan " he said.

" And how long will it take? " I asked.

" I don't know, a few days, but we'll train the villagers while we plan " he said.

" Really? " I turn to him.

" Yes " he said.

" Get out " I said, he sighed and exit the room as Natalie stands there.

" Don't let anyone in, with my permission just defy the Prince's order if they insist " I said.

She bows her hair as she close the door.

I take a deep breath and proceed to take off my armour. When I'm done, I change to a normal clothing that is what villagers used to wear, I don't want them to see me in my nightgown.

For once I want to be normal.

I lie down on the bed that is ready for me. It's nice of Carla to let me stay here, I told her not to worry and she obeyed.

I look up the ceiling and sigh.

~ Time Skip ~

Dante's pov. 

" Again " Aiden said as we see the men's are practicing with the guards.

" Dante, why don't you call Y/n, I need her here " Aiden sad, I nodded.

I walk away and look around the village.

I see a little boy eating a loaf of bread as sit down on a chair near a table, he just watches a woman as I see she's cooking something in the furnace. I approach.

" What are you making? " I asked.

She was startled and look up at me. She stood up and curtsy.

" Your Highness " she said.

" I didn't mean to scare you, umm " I gesture my head at the furnace.

" Oh, just making food for Aiden and the others " she said.

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