[ Chapter 20 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Who's coming? " I asked.

" The Kingdom of Vrevelon " Mariko said.

" Why are they here? " I asked as she pass me my napkin I made. (Pic above)

" I heard that the princess had arranged with one of the Prince " she said.

" Really? " I asked, she hummed in response and adjust my dress.

" We aren't sure which prince she's supposed to be with " she said, I sighed.

I'm just hoping it's not Dante, honestly, I think I'm falling for him. The day he kissed my cheek, I think he felt the same way.

" Mariko " I call.

" Yes My Lady? " She asked.

" Last week, I ask you to do me a favour about the dagger, did you find anything? " I asked.

" Yes " she locks the door and I turn around sitting down on the chair near the window.

She takes out the wrapped dagger from my bed and approach me.

" The dagger is very old, maybe ten decades old " she said as she unwraps the fabric around it.

" My brothers and I investigated it thoroughly and the blade is made out of a stainless iron, the edges are very sharp that it can cut through other swords, it may be light, it was forge by poisonous herb inside it so it can seep through whoever's blood and can cause a fatal wound "

" What poison? " I asked.

" There's no telling what type of poison it is or what the cure is, the poison can only be found here " she said.

" Tu'la? " I asked.

" There's a village called Forstford, they are only ones with the supplies for medicinal herbs, large quantities of it turns to poison " she said.

" Any idea of the initials? " I asked.

" One name in my head that I don't dare say " she said.

" Your secret is safe with me, I wanted to know who attacked Avalon " I said.

" Maria Lopez " she said.

" Dante's mother? " I asked, she nodded.

" It was her name before she changes to Maria Alejandro, that blade is her father's, that's why it's so old but still in good condition " she said.

" I should've known " I said and as I pick it up.

" And also, My Lady, I bumped into someone when my brothers and I were searching " she said.

" Who? " I asked.

" Come on out! " She said, I stood up and turn around to see the only person I can't imagine walking out of the closet.

" Aiden " tears form in my eyes as I run up to him.

We hug each other and tears stream down my cheeks.

" I thought you were dead " I said.

" I did the same to you " he said, we pull apart and I smile as he wipes the tears off my cheeks.

" Where have you been? " I asked.

" Father and I are outside of the kingdom in Esthera recovering " he said.

" Father's alive? " I asked, he nodded.

" But Arthur, grandmother and mother " I look away, he turns my head to him.

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