[ Chapter 32 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" You can't take the antidote without the last ingredient " Mariko said as she clean the cut on my cheek.

She dab the soaked rag and I push her hand away.

" Just do what you have to do and find me that third antidote " I said, she nodded and stood up.

She walk to the door and before she grabs the knob, the door open by itself and she backs up. I see Dante entering.

" Leave us " he said.

I stood up and walk over to my dresser.

I hear the door open and close.

" Y/n " Dante calls.

" How can you let this happen? " I asked.

" I was drunk " he said.

" When was it? " I asked.

" I. . . "

" When was it? " A tear stream down my cheek.

" Three weeks ago " he said.

I turn around to him.

" Three weeks ago " I smile.

" It's the biggest mistake I've ever done in my life but look, we've proven your innocence, we can be together " he said.

" And that's supposed to make me feel better? " I asked.

" Please, what can I do to fix this? " He asked.

I approach him and take his hand.

" Just help the others to find the last antidote, I don't know how much time I have left, I'll think about it " I said and walk pass it and leave the room.

I wipe away the tear and get myself together.

Walking down the hallway, turning a corner to the right and enter the first door to the right.

I close the door behind me to see Nicole standing by her dresser, she turns around to me, I stand in the middle of the room while she smirks.

" You are very sensible " I said, she snickers and stood there.

" If I am, I should have seen through you " she said, I raise a brow at her.

" It was you, you set me up " she said.

" If you hadn't harbored such evil intentions, you wouldn't have brought this upon yourself, you got what you deserved " I said.

" When did you begin to suspect me? " She asked.

" Since the attack of Avalon, I was very certain that someone who knows me more than anyone must have collaborated with Maria " I said.

" You came in mind first because no one else than you knows about the secret passageway under castle in Avalon better than anyone, we used to play hide and seek there, you were there at that day " I said, she snickers.

" I wasn't " she said.

" When you killed my grandmother, you must have panicked, that was why you dropped such important evidence at the crime scene without knowing " I take out a hairpin I found near grandmother's corpse back in Avalon.

It has a red flower design and a white pearl around it, her eyes widened and she looks at me.

" After all, justice has long arms, when I figured out that you were going to strike at me again, I decided to beat you at your own game " I said.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now