[ Chapter 19 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I lie my chin on the palm of my hand as my elbow lie on the table under the gazebo that is where I'm sitting while my other finger is just fiddling with the petal of the tiger lily in the vase with agitation.

" They will soon fall if you keep doing that " I look to my right and see an old lady with fully grey hair and turquoise eyes.

I stood up and curtsy

" Greetings to Your Grace " I said.

" It's alright, you've been through enough " she takes my hand, I look up at her and she smiles.

I stood straight.

" I see Dante has given my hair comb to you " she said, I smile.

" It has a few memories with him and I " I said.

We sit down on the chair and a maid put down a tray with a pot of tea and two cups.

" Lavender tea, it shall help you sleep well tonight, I heard you were diagnosed with insomnia " she said, I nodded and the maid pour some for me and her.

I take the cup and take a sniff.

" It smells nice " I said and take a sip.

I place it back down on the table.

" My condolence to you " she said.

" Thank you " I said.

" I was thinking you could join us for dinner tonight " she said, I look up at her.

" I know you don't feel comfortable eating with us like a family but instead of living in that room why not try to have a normal conversation once in a while? " She asked, I sighed and nodded with a small smile.

" That would be nice "

" Wonderful " she said and take a sip of her tea.

I take a sip of mine as well.

" Grandmother " I turn to my right and see Gene.

" I heard you were here with Y/n, so I came to join " he said.

" Have a seat " Old Madam said.

He takes a seat to my right, I then see Dante approaching.

" Mind if I join as well? " He smiles at me and I blushed looking away.

" Please " Old Madam smiles as she gesture to the one and only empty chair to my left.

Dante sit down there and it's an awkward silence as I drink my tea while the maid pour some for them as well, I place down the cup on the plate as it's coaster and place my hand on the table while my cheek lie on the palm of my hand with my elbow on the table. I pick up the teaspoon and stir the tea.

" So, what brings up the mood for you two to join me?, Is it because of Y/n? " Old Madam asked and I stop as I notice both of them tense.

" N-no, why would grandmother think that? " Dante asked.

" It's because you two have been acting overly odd in the past two weeks " she said.

" We don't " Gene said.

" We three know you both have the worse acting skills, you barely have some time to spend with me because of your so called training " she said, I press my lips into a line to not show my smile but failed and take another sip of my tea.

" Your not wrong on that " Dante said as I put down my cup.

I then felt a sting on the back of my hand, I hiss and flinched, I look down to see a bug, Gene take my hand and flick it away and a drip of blood pours out.

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