[ Chapter 10 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.   

I hold the hair comb and look at the beautiful flowers on it.

" Your Highness, you wear that very often " Natalie enters my chambers as she place her sword on the floor, leaning it against the wall.

" Would you mind? " I asked as I pass her the hair comb.

She starts to tie my hair up first.

" Your Highness are you sure it's safe for you to head to Esthera village? " She asked.

" The village is in danger of bandits, Arthur, Aiden and I will go there to look at it for ourselves, to see how severe the situation is " I said.

" But it's dangerous " she said.

" I am well trained Natalie, I'll be fine, the place is one night away, plus, I have you and my brothers, and the royal guards " I said as she puts the hair comb in my hair.

" 30 guards are already enough to protect us " I said.

I stood up as I look into the mirror, me wearing my armor and my sword on the side of my waist.

" Let's go " I said, Natalie nodded and we leave my chambers.

Walking down the hallway, we exit the palace and I walk down the stairs as I see my horse is already set and ready.

I grab the horse reins.

" Aiden! " I turn around when I hear a familiar voice.

I see Dante there standing hugging Aiden. Along wit Gene beside him.

" What are they doing here? " I asked.

" They wanted to help " Arthur approaches.

" How did they know? " I asked.

" Tu'la and Avalon are neighbor's, half of Esthera is a part of Tu'la " Arthur said.

" Huh " I said.

" Your Highness " Natalie gives me a dagger.

" Thank you " I take it and put it in it's sheath on my back waist.

" Whoa " I look up and see Gene.

" Your Highness " I said.

" Can you handle a knife? " He asked.

" I'm already wielding a sword " I said as I hold the handle of my sword.

" Your doubting my sister? " Arthur asked.

" No, not at all " he walks away with a smile.

Arthur snicker and walk away.

I roll my eyes away and got on my horse. I was about to move when the rein is grabbed. I look down to my left and see Dante.

" Your Highness " I look away.

" Y/n " he said.

" It was nice of you to join this journey " I said.

" Why won't you look at me? " He asked.

" We shouldn't delay, if you please? " I asked as I tug on the reins.

He let go and I lightly snap the horse rein.

~ Time Skip ~

The sky is getting dark.

" We'll rest here! " Arthur said.

We all get off of our horses and I had Natalie to take care of it. Other guards rest and some setting up tents.

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