[ Chapter 9 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

My smile fades as she stops in front of me and turn around.

" Your mother has told me a lot of stories about your, troublesome " she said.

" What does that have to do with Dante and Gene– "

" You have no right to question me that! " She cuts me off and I flinched.

" You will not bring my son's into any trouble, mark my words " she comes closer and I stay still.

" You are only allowed to avoid Gene and Dante, you may talk, but small talks, you're forbidden to meet them unless it's a special occasion, if you go behind my back, I will not hesitate and do something that you don't want me to do " she said.

" B-but– "

" Still talking back? " She asked, I frown and shake my head.

" No, Your Highness " I said.

" This will not be known by anyone else, it's shall be kept in between us, I have eyes on the back of my head and around you, alright? " She asked, I nodded.

" Let's head back shall we? " She beams a smile and I smile nervously.

She walks pass me and I turn around back to the ballroom. Maria walks back to mother and I look up to each other holding my tears back.

Gene approaches.

I look down and curtsy.

" Your Highness " I said and stood straight.

" Why were my mother with you? " He asked.

" We were having a chat " I said still not looking at him.

" Care to share? " He asked.

" I'm sorry but I need to have some time alone " I said and walk away.

I walk up to a table and a maiden pass me champagne. I nod as a thanks when I take it.

I take a sip and walk myself around the crowd as the others greet me properly. I just greet them back walking more and ended having Dante approaching me.

" Hey " he waves.

My eyes are widened and turn away when he grips my arm.

" Are you alright? " He asked.

I push his hand off and turn to him.

" Yes I am, Your Highness " I said.

" You can call me Dante, you know that right? " He asked.

" You have a higher rank than me, it's rude not to greet someone who has a higher rank " I said.

" What happened?, You were so full of joy just now and now your turning away and rejecting me? " He asked.

" I was being not proper and wasn't doing what I was taught " I said.

" Y/n- " he was about to grab my hand but I move my hand away to my back.

" What did my mother say to you? " He asked.

" Nothing personal, just having small talks here and there " I said.

" Tell me, what did she say? " He asked and about to grab my hand again, I take a step back as I place the glass of champagne on the passing by maid with a tray.

" We're in a crowded place, it is inappropriate to hold hands when we are not in a relationship " I said.

" I'm sorry if I'm rude but I need to go somewhere else " I curtsy.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now