[ Chapter 33 ]

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Y/n's pov.   

I lean against Aiden's shoulder weakly as he hold the bowl of medicine. He place the edge of it near my lips and I slowly drink it, when I was done I started coughing he put it down and caress my back.

" Slow down " he said.

" These medicines can only extend your life for a few more hours, I apologize but Her Highness needs the true antidote " the doctor said.

" It's alright " I said and I try to breath in the air normally as I feel weight on my chest.

" Can you not try and to make a remedy? " Aiden asked.

" I'm afraid if I do, I'll do no better good for her health, this tonic is her only hope " he said and pack up his stuff.

" You're dismissed " Aiden said.

He leaves the room and shut the door, I just close my eyes and try ignore the aches all over my body.

" Hey, don't die on me " Aiden said.

" I'm exhausted " I said.

" The poison is stronger than we thought " he said.

I cough and he caress my back again.

" Where's Dante? " I open my eyes.

" He's looking for the antidote with Mariko, Gene is settling things with his father " he said.

" I didn't asked about Gene " I smile a little, he chuckles.

He then make me lie down on the bed, I grab his hand weakly so he sit down next to me.

" We came here to rebuild Avalon together, guess it's not going to be us " I said.

" Hey, your all I got, don't be stupid " he said.

" Your the king now, your our only hope to rebuild our kingdom, all you need is a queen and an heir " I said.

" You can't leave me alone " he said.

" Aiden, you're stronger than me " I said.

" We will find that antidote " he said.

The door then opens and I tilt my head to the side to see Dante entering. Aiden stood up.

" Did you find it? " Aiden asked.

" The clue leads us back here " Dante walk up to him.

" At the palace? " Aiden asked.

" I don't know, we're looking everywhere, I had a few maids to help " he said.

" A few?, Ask all of them to do it, she's dying " Aiden said.

" We're trying our best " he said.

" The antidote is in the castle? " I asked with a raspy voice.

He approaches me and he takes my hand as he sit down next to me. He looks at me and place his hand on my cheek where the cut is which is not healing due to the poison.

I look at him weakly.

" We'll find it " he caress it with his thumb.

" You can't promise me that " I said.

" I lost you once, I'm not loosing you again " he said.

" I've been in this situation before, I'm not afraid of death " I smile.

" I am afraid to lose you " he said.

" I just need some rest " I close my eyes and turn my head to the side.

Never【Dante X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now