[ Chapter 6 ]

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*play song*

Dante's pov.   

" Kara, the bottle was found in your room, it's filled with the same sleeping draught Harold had, tell us, why are you trying to kill the princess? " Arthur asked.

The girl with brunette hair kneels down as her light blue eyes looks down at the floor.

" Lying to the king is a capital crime, you know what's the punishment for that " Gene said.

She looks up at F/n with no emotions.

" So much for royal family, you killed my brother " she said.

" Your talking about Oliver isn't it? " Aiden asked.

" He died in battle, he was a fighter, he died with pride, there's nothing you could do with that " Arthur said.

" He didn't even wanted to join the army! " She said.

" He joined willingly in the replacement of your father! " F/n shouted.

" But why the princess? " Nicole asked.

" She encouraged him that everything will be alright, she lied "

" If the princess die will it bring him back to life? " Katelyn asked.

" It's only been two days, the princess hasn't woken up yet, your actions causes the life of a royal member " Derek said.

" Nonetheless, you've done it while the five kingdom's are here which is a disgrace " M/n said.

" Outrageous! " Old madam spat.

" You will be locked up in the cell, we will wait until the princess to wake up, if she doesn't, you shall be beheaded, and if she does, you'll be hanged " F/n said.

The guards grab her arms and drag her out.

" I wanna say thank you to Ash and Natalie for finding the evidence, I shall reward you two " F/n said.

" Your Majesty, we did this for the sake of the princess " Ash said.

" The only reward we only want is Her Highness to wake up " Natalie bows her head.

" You two are very loyal " Garroth said.

Y/n's pov.  

I open my eyes as I cough a little.

" Your Highness! "

I turn to my right and see Natalie.

" Natalie? " I asked.

" Your awake " she smiles as she helps me up.

She pass me a cup of water and I took a sip. The door opens and there I see father and mother rushing in along with Arthur and Aiden.

" What happened? " I asked.

" You were asleep for four days " I see Harold on my left.

" four days? " I asked.

I then remember what happened, my eyes widened and I grab father's arm.

" It's the girl!, Kara! " I said.

He takes my hand off.

" We already found out, she's in the dungeon " he said.

" The others are in their chambers, all the prince and princess tire themselves out in taking care of you " mother caress my cheek.

" I've been asleep for four days, I never slept so well from the last I remembered " I said.

" It's better for Your Highness to get up and take some fresh air to stimulate the blood pressure " Harold said, I nodded.

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