Chapter 3: On my own accord

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Alec and Magnus both hit a low point and decide that a change is in order.


Just giving you a heads up that this chapter might be a little hard to take. It might be difficult, but please accept it when I say that it is needed. Things sometimes have to get worse before they get better and I'm sticking to my guns in keeping this as honest as I can. <3

"Sometimes, life gives you a second chance because you weren't quite ready for the first."

"Do you see them yet?"

Jace put his hand on Izzy's shoulder. He had lifted Max up enough so he could see out of the window from their Mom and Dad's room. Alec had done well in the few days previously, in having his first dose of chemo. He was being allowed home for a few days so that he could have the second with his family around. A teenage oncology nurse would be visiting now and then to help out. It was far too soon to see any changes yet and he was still very sick, but all of his siblings were eagerly awaiting their parents car from up the road.

"I think I see them!" Max jumped up and down and shot off for the stairs before Izzy or Jace had a chance to look. Surely enough, the blue car was at the top of the road. By the time Max ran outside, closely followed by Jace and Izzy, the car was pulling onto the road outside the house. Maryse and Robert got out and Robert opened the door that was the other side to the children.

Maryse shot towards them and guided them back towards the house. "Jace, can you please take your brother and sister inside for a minute?"

Jace's eyes went wide. "What's wrong?"

Max tugged at his sleeve. "Where's Alec? Is he not coming home?"

Maryse bent down to touch his face, still pushing for Jace to take the others inside. "He's in the car but we just need to get everything sorted before he comes in. Would you like to get Alec's pillows and blanket for him and put the recliner up? Would you be able to do that for me, Max?"

Max nodded and took Jace's hand as he led him into the house.

Maryse put her hand out to guide Izzy inside. Izzy turned to the car and her eyes teared up. "Mom, I can hear crying. Please tell me what's happened."

Maryse sighed and hugged her tightly. "He's fine Iz. Can you do me a favour and bring the pack of wipes from the bathroom? And grab the other pyjamas and the slippers from Alec's room?"

Izzy returned a minute later and handed them to Maryse. "Is there anything that I can do to help?"

Maryse shook her head and kissed the top of Izzys'. "Just be there for your brothers, okay?"

Izzy clung onto the door and looked over to the car. Robert was speaking quietly with his head bent down. She couldn't see Alec through the tinted windows. "Just tell him I love him, okay?"

Maryse walked around to the other side of the car. She caught the end of what Robert was saying, as she pulled a handful of wipes from the packet.

"- absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about."

Maryse pushed the door further so she had more room to work with. Alec was sideways on the seat, facing the door. He had been sick on the way home and his front and the back seat were covered. Tears ran down his face as Robert tried to reassure him that he was okay. That he was safe. Maryse pulled up her sleeves as she helped Robert to lift Alec's shirt over his head. She tried to hide a gasp. She hadn't realised how skinny he was. There was a bag on the end of Alec's NG tube and she had to guide it through his collar. She spoke quiet words of reassurance as she did it, being careful not to touch the port in Alec's chest.

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