Chapter 21: House Husbands: Part 1

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Recently discharged from hospital, Alec is planning to spend a quiet weekend alone. It's only when the phone rings that plans are changed and he has an unexpected visitor.

"No, I don't want to return your phone calls. I like them and I want to keep them."


Don't worry, this isn't the end, far from it. We still have a lot of story to cover. The following few chapters all take place over the weekend where the Lightwood's are away at a wedding. The chapters will be split into four and as you might have guessed by now, I'm giving you NSFW warning. Happy reading- A

(See the end of the chapter for .)

It was the next morning when Alec stood at home, leaning against the wall in the hallway. He closed his eyes for a second, taking in the sounds of his siblings squabbling over DVDs for the car and his parents double checking lists to make sure that they had everything packed. All the wonderful chaos that he had missed for so long. Today was Saturday. He had got home late last night and some part of him had wished that he wasn't going to be left alone today. It was nice to finally be home, even though he would still be under observation for a while. But he had got to ring the bell by the door on the cancer ward, finally signalling that he had won his battle and was going home.

Because everything was still all up in the air, Max had stayed over Andrew and Eleanor's last night. He'd only just been dropped off, and since his stuff for the weekend had already been packed for him, he was currently being used to weigh down Izzy's bag, so that she could get all of her outfits and shoes in.

Max was sat on the bag with his arms and legs crossed.

"Izzy, I don't think It's going to shut."

Izzy gestured Jace over and Alec laughed as he lay on the bag. They were leaving this morning and returning the same time on Monday. He didn't understand why Izzy needed so many clothes. Jace had packed in five minutes and had just tossed everything in.

Max walked over to Maryse and raised his arms up to her. He was getting too big to be picked up now, but he was the last of her babies and she didn't want to let him grow up just yet. She lifted Max up and balanced him on her hip, struggling to hold him while she put her hand on the other side of his face and kissed his cheek. Max clung around her neck and spoke quietly.

"Momma. You go and I stay and look after Alec. He can't stay on his own if he's sick." Maryse smiled and looked at Alec. They watched as Jace jumped on Izzy's bag like a starfish and she pulled the zip around finally. They all cheered as Jace lay on his stomach and kicked his legs in victory. Of course, them getting it packed up again would be another problem. But that was one for tomorrow.

Maryse set Max down and he ran over to Alec, hugging his legs. He stared up at Alec with large, glassy eyes and Maryse nodded from across the room.

"Go on, tell him."

Max blubbered into Alec's trousers.

"The nasty doctors are taking you back again, aren't they!? Please don't go, Alec. I've got vitamins shaped like dinosaurs that will make you better. You can stay here and I'll look after you. I'll give you hugs until I squeeze all the badness out that is making you sick."

Alec crouched down on his knees and Max cried as he hung around his neck, making his shirt damp.

"Max- Max- Listen." Max shook his head as his little hands clutched at Alec's back. Alec gently detached his hands and wiped Max's eyes with his sleeve. Maryse passed him a tissue from her bag and Alec wiped Max's eyes before kissing his forehead.

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