Chapter 33: Minutes turn to Hours

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It's the day of Magnus' school dance and a time for quiet reflection. Not only on what Alec and Magnus have been through but the whole family. As another week passes and new trials are being faced, the Lightwood-Banes find that the most important thing is that they all stick together.


Here we go! Thank you so much for being patient for this one. As you will see, it's a long chapter and there were a few things I needed to make sure were written correctly.
Hope you enjoy! <3

//NSFW warning <3

I'm weak. I shouldn't need it.

There were whispers in the darkened room as Max opened his eyes. They were barely discernible and he stretched his arms before rolling over and licking his lips.

"Jace? What are you doing?"

Jace turned around, startled. Max rubbed his eyes from where he was huddled under Jace's blanket. He had been reluctant to share at first (Jace had always needed his own private space) but since Alec had spent a good few nights away that week, Max hadn't wanted to stay alone in Alec's double bed or the last touches of paint hadn't dried, Jace had been understanding and had agreed to help out his parents while his little brother's room was being finished.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm putting on my shoes." Jace spoke as he sat on the bottom edge of his bed and crossed his laces over. Max had known that Jace had his driving test that morning but hadn't expected him to be up and ready so early. He had a few hours to go yet and Jace had always been a lacksi daisy- kind of last minute- guy. "Go back to sleep."

Max yawned, pushing back his blanket to display his pyjamas that matched Jace's. Maryse had bought them all new pairs a few days ago and Max had wanted the same as his brothers. Both Jace and Alec just tended to sleep in just their underwear or nothing at all when it was warm but neither had offered up that information.


"What? Max, I've got stuff to be doing."

Max crawled over the bed and lay down on his stomach with his arms bent and his head on the side as he closed his eyes. "I want breakfast."

"Already done. There's pancakes downstairs but you'll have to go and get them yourself because I'm not feeling great and I just got back up here. I couldn't sleep this morning so I got up early."

"Jacey? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Come on, you're old enough-" Jace jumped as Max went up on his knees and hugged around his shoulders. "Max, I'm okay. I promise. I just have my driving test this morning so I'm a little nervous."

Max hugged Jace tighter and Jace patted his hand before he let go, Max imitating Jace as he sat on the edge of the bed and his legs swung freely. "Can I help?"

Jace ruffled his hand through Max's hair, making him laugh as Jace himself smiled. "I don't think so, buddy. Not long and it'll be over with." Max nodded and jumped off the bed with a slight thud. As he ran from the room, Jace's face dropped slightly. He'd eaten what he could but his stomach was in knots and he wanted nothing more than to pull the curtains closed and go back to sleep in the dark. He knew he had to do his test but just- he really didn't feel like going. Plus everyone was going to the beach later so if he didn't pass, he knew he would be in a bad mood at having to let Alec drive them all. That and he'd also feel guilty on top of it because the sudden change in schedule really upset Alec lately.

Jace stood up, running his hand down his face and eyeing up the red lock box that was in the corner. Even though he had found himself hating breakfast lately, he knew what would come after was worse. He glanced at the bottle of water on his bedside table and as he went to pull the chain from around his neck, Max ran back into the room, making him jump and drop the chain back down his shirt.

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