Chapter 25: I want to love like a man.

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After their weekend away, Maryse and Robert are driving back with three of their children. The only question is this: What will they find when they return home?


Okay thank you for being so patient. The good news is, the wait is over. I've got three chapters for you over three days and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have enjoyed writing them. These next few chapters will be the most emotional and angstiest so far, so you have been warned. I'll also add to pay attention to the times for this chapter. Not all the scenes are in order. Happy reading!

If you'd like to tweet along, please use the hashtag #Flutterfic or you can contact me with @Allie_Enigma on twitter. I have poured my heart into these three chapters and would love any feedback from you guys x


08:44 AM

Asmodeus yawned and licked his lips, blinking his eyes in the early morning light. For as long as he could remember, he'd woken up with a chill around him. It had been the only thing he'd known since falling asleep with Aminah for the last time, watching her fade as she held Magnus to her chest.

It was only when Asmodeus opened his eyes properly that he realised there wasn't the familiar coldness from the other side of the bed, or the familiar coldness from the space next to him. His arm was draped over Lily, pulling her close to him. Their legs were tangled together, and she breathed softly against him. Their foreheads were pressed together, their lips dangerously close to touching. Lily made a murmur as she moved her head and blinked at him, both of their eyes opening wide at the same time, realising what had happened. Asmodeus pulled his head back slightly, not knowing what to do as Lily's eyes darted around his face. The pillows were on the floor by the bed and they both blushed as they tried to pull apart. Asmodeus pulled at his left arm that was stuck under Lily and their feet flayed together as they fought at the same time to get up.

Asmodeus shot up, scrambling off the bed and standing with his arms crossed. Lily sat with her knees bent, laughing with her arms bent over her head.

"Lily, I'm sorry. I fell asleep. I didn't mean to-"

Lily chuckled softly.

"As, it's fine."

"I- I don't want you to think-"

Lily rolled her eyes. Asmodeus had always had a vision of maintaining his image of masculinity. He'd had a few frantic stumbles with women over the years, but they had never spoken about it with each other. He made it very clear to these women that they weren't welcome to stick around, and they weren't usually the type to. No feelings attached and they were gone by morning. Lily only knew of them because of whispers in work from when others thought that she wasn't around. She didn't know which was the more likely cause of his unwillingness to settle down again. Was he like that because he wanted to maintain his image? Or was it because he was afraid of making himself vulnerable and opening his heart up again?

Lily moved to the edge of the bed, rubbing her eyes. She moved on instinct to the side that Asmodeus had fallen asleep on because it was closer to the door. How they'd both ended up in the middle of the bed, she had no clue.

Asmodeus leaned down to pick up the cushions from the floor, turning crimson red as he looked up and narrowly avoided hitting their heads together.

"Lily! Sorry! Sorry-"

"No- no. It's my fault."

"No, no, no- I shouldn't have-"

Asmodeus cheeks turned beetroot red as he rubbed his face; putting it down to the fact that it had been so long since he'd woken to company. She was his friend. What on earth would she think of him?

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