Chapter 20: Surprise encounters

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On a warm, bank holiday Friday, everyone decides to go out. Maryse and Robert wait patiently in the hospital, when Alec's doctor asks to meet with them.

"Every person is a new door to a different world."


Just a quick 'thank you' to 'The cool kids' group chat on twitter. I never could have got to here without you guys, so thank you!! <3 <3 Also a huge thanks to everyone who has read, shared, reacted and commented so far. All of you guys! I can't believe how far we've come and here we are on the 20th chapter! Much like our characters, I can't say what the future holds, but I can say that I have loved taking you on this story so far. <3

"Alexander, what are you thinking?"

Alec lifted his head as they drove down the freeway. The day was hot but not too hot and they had music blaring with the windows open.

"Hmm? Oh well, nothing really. I was just thinking that this could kinda be our life. Here we are, racing down the freeway with the wind in our hair."

Magnus laughed as he looked back in the mirror.

"Suuure. Car rides. Going to check the puppy. Buying 'provisions.'"

Alec stuck his head back in the window and turned to face Magnus.

"Hang on a sec! You didn't tell me that was happening today?"

Magnus laughed.

"Well it is kind of a necessity now. I thought I'd scare you off if I mentioned it beforehand. Don't worry, you don't have to come in-"

Alec looked at him with big hazel eyes.

"No, I want to. Ye this is a bit frightening for me, but you're right, it is a necessity. We have to be grown up about it. Besidesss..." He wiggled his eyebrows and Magnus laughed.

"We're almost there. There's a few other things I want to get but maybe we could get food or something. When was the last time we went out like this?"

Alec thought for a second.

"Well I don't think we've been shopping together yet, but the last time out was three days ago when we had our date."

Magnus pulled into the mall car park.

"Ah, yes. Our 'date.' I learnt so much about you." Alec laughed and Magnus shook his head. "No, I'm serious!" He softened slightly and tilted his head. "I'm learning what you like."

Alec tilted his head.

"Go on then. Tell me what I like." Magnus leaned across the middle of the seats and gestured for Alec to lean over, as if to whisper to him. Alec closed his eyes and Magnus turned Alec's head and slowly kissed his jaw line with his tongue, right below Alec's ear. Alec shivered and shifted in his seat, not convincing anyone.

"Mmm, I don't think that's it."

Magnus kissed him softly and whispered in his ear.

"Alexander, your trousers say otherwise."

Alec looked down and blushed, leaning with his elbows on his knees.

"Thanks for that! I cant walk around the mall like this!"

Magnus laughed and sat back.

"Well it's a good thing we're going anyway. We can just sit here a minute."

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