Chapter 26: I'll build you a home when I can.

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With a very sick Magnus in tow, Alec is racing to get to the hospital. There are important questions that need to be asked but can they bear to know the answers?


Okay, I promised I wouldn't keep you in suspense so here we go! I hope you enjoy and can only apologise again for the emotions caused <3 Please leave a comment on here or with the hashtag #FlutterFic or my twitter handle is @Allie_enigma. Hearing from you guys absolutely means the world to me -Happy reading!

09:07 AM

"Okay, Magnus. Magnus, sweetie, look at me. Wake up for me, okay? We're almost there. Just a little longer. Please, please don't go to sleep now. I'm begging you."

Magnus lifted his head to glance at Alec and narrowed his eyes before turning back again. His hair was sticky against his forehead and as Alec looked at him, Alec's eyes teared up for the millionth time that day.

Magnus was leaning with his head against the car door. Deathly pale. There hadn't been a second since they first spoke that Magnus hadn't wanted to talk to Alec but as specks of light swam through the darkness of his vision, he had a strange thought. He wished that Alec would just stop the car there, carry him to the back and sit on the edge of the boot, letting him fall asleep in his arms. He'd be warm. Finally, warm. Yes, that was it. He just wanted to fall asleep in Alec's arms.

"-so, there's lots of- to look forward to. We've- wait a little longer, that's-"

"Alec, I don't want to go to hospital. I'm so tired. I just want to go home."

Fresh tears rolled down his face. He was bordering on begging. "Please Mom, don't take me back to the hospital."

Alec sighed.

"Magnus, we're almost there. You can sleep as soon as we get there."

"Where are we going?"

Alec's hands shook and he tightened his grip on the wheel.

"The hospital...remember?"

Magnus growled with his right hand over his forehead.

"I don't want it! I don't WANT to-"

"Magnus, this isn't you. You're having a mood swing, but you'll get through it, okay? You're just upset and not feeling well. You're not thinking clearly. We'll get you sorted-"


Alec drove a little faster.

" can't... I'm sorry there's nothing I can do to make it better."

Magnus growled again, turning around to face Alec.

"It's not your job to make it better!"

Alec's breath caught in his chest. Magnus had never raised his voice before. He didn't care whatever Magnus said to him though, as long as it kept him awake. Magnus could spit any insults at him and Alec wouldn't take any notice. He didn't mean any of it.

"...Well what am I supposed to do? Answer me, Magnus. Talk to me!"

Magnus didn't respond. He was looking at his hands. His body went rigid again and Alec swore as he tried to keep control of the car.

"Shit! Magnus! Magnus! Stay with me! Okay?! We're almost there. Don't- Not now- We're so close!"

Magnus' head was thrown back and his hands were shaking as he slid down in the seat. Alec swore and swerved the car as a horn sounded. There was nowhere to pull over.

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