Chapter 28: Gravity in an hourglass

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After everything that has happened, Alec is returning to school. He is finally trying to move on from the chapter of his past. He doesn't know but with everything changing, a new story may just be beginning.


Thanks for being patient. I hope you enjoy ❤

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Alec smiled as he stared at his reflection. The sun was peering through the frosted window and as he stood up straight, feeling the warmth on his face, he smiled happily, letting the early Friday light wash over him.

After brushing back his hair neatly, he took in the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror. He straightened his back, running his thumb over his freshly shaved cheek. It had been a long time since he had needed to shave and it was nice that things were appearing to get back to normal again. He'd told himself once that one day, everything would be okay again. Maybe today could be that day.

Alec straightened his black tie before peering out of his bathroom door. His bedroom door was open and he could see his younger brother who was standing in the hallway. Jace was fighting with his own black tie and was putting in a valiant effort, even though he was making a mess of it.

Alec laughed as he walked out of his bathroom and into the hallway. Jace looked up slightly and grinned at the sight of Alec in his school uniform; finally admitting defeat to the black menace that was around his neck. Jace dropped his hands and Alec started working to get the knots out, rolling his eyes as Jace smirked at him.

"Jace, seriously. You are practically seventeen." Jace crossed his arms and laughed.

"I'm going to get it right eventually! You'll miss doing it for me then and you'll still say I'm doing it wrong and insist on doing it for me!" Alec chuckled and shook his head, crossing the tie over and pulling it through itself.

"You're probably right. Besides, what's the point in breaking tradition at this point?" Alec finished the tie and Jace gestured to Alec's arm, watching as Alec finished with the button on his cuff.

"What's that on your wrist?"

Alec pulled his sleeve back and tried not to blush. In all the panic of the previous Monday, both Alec and Magnus had missed the three month anniversary of them meeting. Alec couldn't believe everything they had been through together over the past three months. It didn't seem real in a way. Magnus still hadn't been able to get up but one of the nurses had been kind enough to give him a bracelet kit; both to pass the time and to help him with his fine motor skills with his left hand. He had sat for hours with his table over his bed; his eyes fixated on the thin, red and black strings as he crossed them in a neat pattern. He'd carefully followed the instructions, away with his own mind, and it had resulted in what Alec was wearing.

"Magnus made it for me. Isn't it nice?" Jace laughed, shaking his head in amusement as he walked back to his room. Alec followed behind slowly, turning his bracelet on his wrist.


Alec watched as Jace pulled his bag up from the floor. There was a pen on his bedside table and he threw it into the front pocket. Maryse always bought all of the kids a full stationary set at the start of the year but somehow, Jace always ended up with a few borrowed pens from his siblings. Maryse had taught them all the importance of caring for their things (having four children was expensive business) but no matter how hard he tried, Jace somehow always managed to lose things.

Jace laughed at his brother's confused expression.

"Nothing. You two are just really sappy together."

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