Chapter 32: The Gift of my Heartbeat

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Magnus is spending his first night at Alec's since leaving hospital. The day may look like any other but it's going to be very different. Everyone's been hiding their own secrets and in one night, things are discovered that may just change everything forever.


Okay here we go with another one! Thank you so much for being patient while this was being written. It's been a busy month and I needed to make sure that this was written the correct way. The good news is that the wait is over. Hope you enjoy <3

//NSFW Warning

Something Magnus had never been able to get used to since leaving hospital was the humming around him that came with sitting in the car. On their last quick ride to guy groceries, Magnus had mentioned it to his father and Asmodeus had told him that it was possible that his other senses had been heightened since he had lost one of them.

He didn’t like it one bit.

Magnus placed his hands on the seat, feeling slightly uneasy about the whole thing. He felt jittery. Nervous. This was the first night that he had spent away from home since coming out of hospital which also meant the first night staying at Alec’s house.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

Magnus glanced over at his father who was gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than ne needed to. Magnus hated being reliant on someone else to take him places but he wouldn’t be able to drive until it had been a year since he had gone into hospital. “Father, I’m fine.” Magnus disguised the nervous shaking in his hands.

“Are you sure? Because if you need me to come and pick you up at any point-”

“Yes, I know. I promise you that I’m fine.” Magnus grumbled as he looked out of the window again. They were only a few streets away. Asmodeus sighed quietly, looking in his rear view mirror.

“Can you ring Lily and remind her that her Jacket is still in the back of my car?”

Magnus turned to his father, creasing his eyes as Asmodeus kept his on the road. “Why can’t you call her?”

“...Because I’m driving.” Asmodeus spoke a little more enthusiastically than usual. “Annd, you have super cool Bluetooth hearing aids that your father paid extra for so you could make calls more easily!” His face went blank again. “Use them.” 

Magnus wasn’t impressed. “You have Bluetooth in the car so why can’t you ring her? And how is her jacket on the back seat anyway?”

Asmodeus paused and thought for a moment. “I don’t know! Ask her why there’s a lipstick...thing... on my bathroom windowsill, a plush rug on my landing or throw cushions on my sofa! Damn woman has more stuff at my house than at hers these days!”

“Okay! Okay! Calm down! I don’t even know if she’ll pick up.”

Asmodeus indicated to turn into Alec’s street. “Ring her mobile, not her house phone. She might have taken Honey out.”

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