Chapter 19: Night owls

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Surprises are in store when Magnus plans a night out.

"I want to hold hands and waste my nights with you."


NSFW Warning <3

"Max, Jace is sneaking your cards from under the board."

Jace met eyes with Max from across the bed.

"Am not, thank you, Alec. That card is mine."

Izzy picked it up and read from it.

"That's Max's. That's the one you said you didn't want."

"Right, that's it!" Jace reached over the board that was on Alec's hospital bed. He knocked over all of Izzy's counters. She pushed him backwards and Alec shouted as the whole board got knocked over.

"Guys! Make sure you don't lose any pieces. This isn't my game."

Izzy laughed and stacked up some of the round counters in her fingers.

"We used to play this in school, remember? All the kids used to get mad because Alec was too good at it." Max was sorting the play money by colours.

"How did he get good? We've never got through a game without Jace knocking it over."

Jace gasped from the floor, where he was picking up coins.

"That's not true! One time it was Izzy!"

Izzy sat back mockingly.

"When we were like four! And may I remind you? I had my fingers wrapped up because you shut them in the car door!"

Jace laughed.

"I still didn't knock it over!"

Max sat back with the board in his hands.

"I have to agree with Izzy. Also, Alec is sleepy because he's not moving around like he's supposed to, and he's trying to hide it."

"Right that's it!"

Jace pulled Max towards him and tickled his stomach. They hadn't changed after school, they had come straight there, so Izzy shrieked about Jace scruffing up Max's uniform. Izzy looked over to Alec, who was lying in the bed. As Max screeched, there was a few annoyed voices from around the room. The Lightwood siblings were a noisy bunch. They should have expected it by now.

"Alec? You're sleepy?"

Alec shook his head and crossed his arms.

"I am not."

Max looked from in between Jace's arms, as he was pinned on top of Alec's legs. Izzy put the last of the board game into the box and closed it.

Max smiled.

"You are! You do grabby hands when you're tired."

Jace and Izzy smirked at each other and Jace laughed.

"What the hell is 'grabby hands'?"

Max giggled with his hands over his mouth and pointed to Alec.

"When Magnus comes in the room, Alec goes grabby hands for him to come and see him. He does it when he's tired as well. And when he wants hugs."

Jace and Izzy 'awwed' as Alec blushed.

"No I don't! ...That's a perfectly normal reaction when you want something, anyway!" Izzy and Jace 'awwed' again and Izzy squished Alec's cheek.

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