Chapter 11: From me to you

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Everyone has spent the night at the hospital. Robert is bringing Max to see his family and Magnus' father finds out about Alec.

"The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire."


Just a reminder for this fic, that no matter how scary things get, I am absolutely 100% not going to kill off any characters ;)

Robert clicked Max's seat belt and adjusted it, so it wouldn't rub against his neck.

"Dad. Is Alec feeling better?"

Robert sat down and turned the keys in the ignition. He looked in the rear view mirror and waved as he pulled out of the drive.

"Not today. He's sleeping. The special blood from Jace might make him sick for a little while. He has to get used to it being in his body."

Max fiddled with a bottle lid that he had found on the seat. "Does Jace miss the special blood that they took from him?"

Robert turned the steering wheel. "You'll have to ask him. He will make more though. It just takes a little while."

Max paused. "Did he miss me when I stayed in Tavvy's house last night?"

"I bet he did. We're going to see him now. Did you and Tavvy behave for Andrew and Eleanor?"

Max nodded. "Ye. Tavvy has lots more brothers and sisters than I do... Is Mommy with Jace or with Alec?"

"Mommy is with Alec. His room has to be really clean, so he doesn't get sicker. The fewer people who go into Alec's room, the better, so Mommy is staying with him until he is well enough to come out."

"Can Alec and Jace come home soon?"

Robert rolled his head. The children's counsellor had told them to answer as many of Max's questions as they could. He saw the world differently and it was his way of understanding things that didn't make sense to him.

"Jace should be able to come home in a week. He's very sleepy too today, so he might not want to talk much. They took the stuff for Alec from the bottom of his back, so he's going to be sore for a while. I don't know about Alec. It depends on how he reacts to the donation."

Max thought for a second and looked out the window. "Where's Izzy and Magnus?"


Magnus rolled over and rubbed his eyes. He'd fallen asleep awkwardly on the sofa in the family room. He groaned and shook out his arm, realising he had been woken because of a tap on his shoulder.

He spoke groggily as he rubbed his eyes. "Oh, Dad. What are you doing here?"

Asmodeus put his hand on his son's arm. "I've been worried sick. I got home, and you weren't there. I phoned the hospital and asked to speak to Catarina in case you had been brought in. She said it wasn't her place to say why but you were safe and in the family room." He pointed to Izzy who was sleeping in the chair. "Have you been sneaking in here with this girl or something?"

Magnus put his hands over his face. "Dad. No. No. No. No. NO. Can we talk outside?"

Asmodeus gestured with his hand out flat and Magnus followed. He sat down on the bench in the hallway. "Dad, I can explain."

"Magnus, I haven't seen you in weeks. You're always running off and getting in late. I nearly lost you once. More than once-"

Magnus rubbed his face and placed his hands over his fathers'. "I know. Dad, I'm sorry I haven't been home much-"

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